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It was nearing the middle of the night. On a normal day, next to no one would be awake right now. But today wasn't a normal day, nor the day before today. Objects were awake all across Goiky, most of them not having a choice. The darkness had spread quickly, and once infected there was no rest. No joy, no hope, no happiness. But those were common traits now, for both the infected and non infected objects.

The survivors were scattered across the lands, most being alone. A purple lollipop wondered through an empty forest, a couple blades of grass attempted to not drown after being forced to leave a close friend, a clock was ironically close to running out of time, a yellow cube's name had come true, and a tea kettle had managed to hide herself at the last second. Some were stuck in duos. A symbol of piece and death escaped with a darkened berry across a great ocean, a knife and a paintbrush struggled to stay alive on top of a hotel, and a book and a golf ball despite being enemies were stuck together in an underground factory. Even some larger groups existed. A lightning bolt, a bell and a piece of origami flew across the skies, a group of rejects barricaded themselves inside of a hotel room, and some numbers had managed to hold themselves together even when faced with the impossible.

But there was one group which didn't even know that anything was happening. That.. didn't even know where they were.

Hours prior, they had been in their own world. A world which was safe, one of the minimal worlds which hadn't been attacked by the darkness yet. But a malfunctioning Meeple product had accidentally summoned a portal which interfered with time and space. The eleven of them were sucked through, and were sent hurtling into a different world. They were knocked unconscious as a result, and since the portal had been made on accident, it had its problems. They were strown across the world with not a single person knowing where they would go. Some of them were lead to immediate conclusions. A hot dog was sent to an early grave as they were teleported above a pit of spikes. A barrel was teleported into the middle of a crowd of the infected. The meeple product was sent back to it's maker. But many more survived at first, being asleep in temporary state of peace before hell would befall them.

That was until one of them woke up.

"What.. in tarnation..?"

Bandana's eyes stung as soon as she opened them, which was weird because it wasn't particularly bright.. where ever she was. Fully opening her eyes, she noticed that she was right next to the opening of some type of cave. Exposed stone surrounded the cave, with grass sprouting up in-between the cracked rock. It was nothing like she anything she ever saw before. The grass was green, the stone was gray, and as she looked up, she also noticed that the top of the trees were green. She couldn't be anywhere close to the hotel. Her throat stung and her legs felt weak as she tried to get up. Despite these setbacks, Bandana did eventually manage to stand up. She tried to think of how she got to.. wherever she was, but the only thing which she remembered was something about a portal. But it was vague within her mind. It was loose, like some sort of dream.. or some sort of nightmare..

"Uh.. anybody 'round here?"

Her voice was weirdly rough, and she involuntary coughed quite loudly. Some small red specks came out of her mouth and landed on her hand when she did, and she immediately recognized the specks to be blood. She just looked at her hand glumly, not bringing herself to react in any other way. She didn't frankly know how to react actually. So Bandana decided to just ignore her bleeding throat and instead decided to look for anyone else around. But upon trying to take a single step, her eyes flashed with a bright red. It enveloped her entire view and while it lasted only a second, it was very noticeable. Her body reacted to the flash before her mind did, and every part of her immediately seized up. The feeling wasn't exactly painful, and it went away quickly. She just stood there for a second, questioning everything around her.

Just Trying To Survive (A BFDI/BFB/TPOT and II au)Where stories live. Discover now