All I Can Do Now Is Scream

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The internal mechanisms of Clock were the only things which he could hear throughout the day. The desert was significantly quieter than he thought before, minimal animals lurked around, the wind didn't really make any noises and there was obviously no one around to make any noises except him. This left the desert to be quieter than a usual night at the hotel.

The silence was metaphorically driving him mad.

Of course it took much longer than a few days for someone to lose their mind, and losing your mind usually required a more direct cause than just a lack of noise. Clock knew this. It was still weirdly antagonizing though, the lack of sound. He had spoken to himself occasionally, rambling on about his internal thoughts, but it didn't help any more than it hurt his throat. Plus, talking didn't really satisfy him unless someone heard him.

Don't even get Clock started about the relentless heat and the constant dry throat. The sun really chose this place to be its stomping ground, didn't it? Even if objects didn't need water, he still felt the effects of dehydration. Every thought was a little cloudy, which he could manage, even though it made the lack of sound even more annoying. Breathing was okay, but talking for more than a minute was near unbearable. He still talked though, just to feel and hear something when he could.

He had been out here for at least five days and four hours now, stranded alone in the desert. What made him ran out here started a few days before that.

The virus was enigmatic. It came out of pratically nowhere, and took and ruined so much in just a matter of minutes that he was surprised he even managed himself during that time. Now, he was fortunate enough to not only survive the beginning, but also to hav different options, ones which he now wished he had taken. Some involved fleeing alone, while others involved hoping people would be merciful and allow him to join. From what he remembered, Golf Ball had run to her factory, Grassy and Eraser off to the forest, Fries, Puffball and others off into the sky..

Instead he took arguably the least riskiest, and ran off in a direction where no one was going, making him alone for a while. This aloneness was temporary.

One of them from the hotel had followed him. Her name was Tapey. They had hunkered down together in a random field of grass on that first night and mostly shared stories to pass the time and ignore what had happened.  They didn't really discuss what they would do tomorrow. The night went by without any problems, despite a few nightmares and night terrors shaking him and Tapey up. After the sun rose, him and Tapey began to plan out a plan to potentially find other survivors and learn more about what happened.

Unfortunately, it wasn't meant to be.

Only about an hour after they started moving again, the positions of his clock hands had been fully burned into his mind so he knew quite surely, Remote snuck up onto them. Tapey and him quickly ran away, knowing that there was no way that Remote could be beaten. She was infected after all, and if the dozens of people at the hotel couldn't do anything the two of them surely couldn't either. But no matter what him or Tapey tried to do, Remote wouldn't give up. She chased them for nearly ten minutes straight. Exhausted and rapidly loosing energy, something had to be done. Tapey eventually suggested that they split up and run in different directions to lose Remote before running back to where they had stayed the previous night. Clock quickly agreed without giving it much thought and did a sharp right handed turn while Tapey did the opposite. Remote followed her while Clock ran away.

Clock heard Tapey's final scream.

Worried that something had happened, he decided to abandon the idea of splitting up and went to check up on her. He turn around and quickly ran over. Tapey wasn't there. He still thought that she was fine, and had to run in a different direction due to Remote before losing here. As a result, he just had to find her. The plains were flat and mostly barren so he beleived he would find her relatively quickly. He was wrong. He searched for hours before slummishly returning back to the agreed upon meeting spot.

Just Trying To Survive (A BFDI/BFB/TPOT and II au)Where stories live. Discover now