44 - Now

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It was a tie who aggravated Kat the most. Lately, Will had been winning over the man. The only person who didn't think they were dating was Kat. In the evening, he sat with her and rubbed her feet in exchange for a kiss or two. Kat called them friendly kisses, but Will didn't agree. He kept her guessing by keeping them chaste some nights but heated other times.

Will dove down the dark chute he wanted to avoid. His heart had fallen for her, and his heartache was predetermined since Kat refused to trust again. If Will ever met her ex, he would have some unkind words to say. Will sat and watched Kat work on Saturday night. It was like a finely choreographed dance as she prepared meal after meal. With Ivy and Nick working, things ran smoothly. They were both good kids.

Nick stepped out from the counter to wipe some tables. "How was your dinner?"


Nick sat down across from him. "So I heard rumors about you and Kat."

"It's not what you heard."

"But you want it to be."

Will nodded. "It's crazy. I can't stay and she's built an amazing thing here."

"Life's not like the sappy movies the girls like."

Will laughed. Hailey loved those, but he doubted Kat did. "How are you? Almost done."

Nick scoffed. "Only to go for two more years, but I'll be home."

"Kat will like that."

Nick got serious. "Will she stay past her eighteen months?"

"I hope so."

Will felt the burden of his secret. If he told Kat she would never trust him. If he didn't, he would prove he was untrustworthy. It was a no-win situation, and he hoped it didn't bury him.

"I have to go back to work."

Will nodded. The changes Kat had made were too many to count and his business had flourished. It was a year since Will bought The Landing so it would stay the same. The joke was on him. Only the coffee and lobster rolls were untouched. Behind him was a beautiful heated seating area. The fairy lights twinkled along with flickering candles on the table. The couples filling the tables weren't neighbors. They were new customers who drove over for dinner. Kat made it a success. He looked up when he heard her voice.

"That's it we're out."

Luckily, there wasn't anyone waiting. She stepped out to take the sign announcing her dinner away. A couple walked in and Will tensed.

"Sorry. We only have our regular menu."

They bickered among themselves. "I told you we needed to leave earlier."

"There is still some dessert left." Her suggestion made them smile. "The lobster rolls are outstanding."

Will smiled, as a chef she never dealt with customers, but she was a natural. Kat was amazing at everything she did. She turned his way and smiled at him.

"What are you smiling about, WR?"

"You. You're amazing. I, um, nevermind."

"How did you like it?"

"I loved it." You.

She laughed. "I have to clean up, but my feet hurt."

"I have something that hurts. Maybe if I get you drunk."

"Oh God, I didn't?"

He shook his head. "But you really wanted to. In your subconscious you still do."

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