pov zhongli

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zhongli woke up in head doctor's office and zhongli said hi and tears start to fall down his face and morax has calmed down and comforts zhongli with rubbing his horns and zhongli head starts to hurt because of the Karen and zhongli stops crying and asks what happened after he passed out and morax explained to zhongli and zhongli try's to move his tail and cries out because of his tail and morax tells him not to move his tail because of the Karan and morax let's zhongli cries on his shoulder and morax asks zhongli to stay in bed and zhongli did and morax makes tea for them and zhongli stops crying and starts to drink his tea and zhongli says he is bored and morax asks what he wants to do and zhongli says he wants to color and morax said okay and morax got the coloring supplies and they both start coloring and zhongli colors Rex lapis in brown and black and gold and morax starts to color Rex lapis in black and gold and zhongli stops coloring and starts to fall asleep and zhongli starts to yawn and morax in then looks at zhongli and morax says are you getting tired and zhongli says yes also says can we cuddle and morax says yes and good night zhongli and zhongli says good night morax. Bye I hope you like this chapter and bye

morax and zhongli meeting a Karan Where stories live. Discover now