Karen revenge

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zhongli was walking down the stairs and zhongli saw the Karen and Karen said it's time for my revenge and zhongli said what revenge and Karen screamed and zhongli covered his ears and starts to panic and Karen said zhongli pushed me and the sustainer came in and saw Karen bleeding and on the floor and the sustainer said what happened and Karen said zhongli pushed me and the sustainer said zhongli is this true and sustainer looked at zhongli and saw zhongli is having a panic attack and zhongli is whimpering and sustainer said zhongli can you hear me and zhongli said what I can't hear or see you and zhongli wants morax and morax saw zhongli and morax ran to zhongli and when morax was close enough to zhongli pushed Karen away to get to morax and morax saw zhongli pushed Karen and morax said zhongli calm down and listen to me and breathe and zhongli did what morax said zhongli start to calm down and looks around for morax and morax came towards zhongli and Zhongli said what happened and my head hurts and morax said are you okay? zhongli and zhongli said I'm okay and morax said explained to zhongli what happened after finishing explaining to zhongli and zhongli said I didn't push her and I was heading to morax room to steal one of his clothes and morax said really zhongli again and the sustainer said again what and zhongli said I steal from morax room a lot of times and morax said yep a lot of times and when I catch zhongli and you hear laughter from zhongli and morax punishment is tickling zhongli and when zhongli said no not the tickles morax and morax said yes tickles and zhongli starts laughing and squeaking and squealing and morax is smiling and when everyone was watching morax tickle zhongli and zhongli said no more hehe morax squeaky and morax stops tickling zhongli and zhongli wants to cuddle and snuggle and morax said zhongli do you want to cuddle and snuggle with me and zhongli said yes and morax said okay and they went back to their room and cuddle and snuggle together and they fell asleep and zhongli starts to purring and morax thinks I will protect you zhongli from everything and everyone and I will be here when you need me the most and morax said i love you zhongli and zhongli
sleepy said i love you to morax and morax and zhongli woke up and zhongli said good morning morax and morax said good morning and morax said  zhongli today is the second day of your punishment

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