zhongli therapy

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morax takes zhongli to sustainer office and zhongli looks around and morax was talking to the sustainer and the sustainer said hello zhongli how are you feeling today and zhongli softly said hi and morax said zhongli look at me and zhongli looks at morax and morax has his horns and tail out and zhongli let's his horns and tail out and sustainer said okay and zhongli let's talk about what you want to do right now and zhongli looks at the oun card game and zhongli stands up and moves to the games area and morax saw the game and sustainer looks at the game zhongli pick and sustainer thought oh no not that game and morax said was that the game you want to play zhongli and zhongli nods and they play the oun game for 24 hours and they finish the game and zhongli yawns and morax said are you tired zhongli and zhongli said yes and morax picks zhongli up and morax and zhongli said bye and the sustainer said bye and morax and zhongli went to their room and they went to sleep and zhongli and morax

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