zhongli nightmare

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zhongli panic and zhongli is really scared and he is hurt on the tail and saw zhongli bleeding and zhongli woke up screaming and morax came running in and saw zhongli crying and morax asked what happened and zhongli said he had a nightmare and it was about the Karen and zhongli asking morax to stay with him and cuddle and morax agreed and got in bed with zhongli and fell asleep together and the Heavenly Principles came in and saw morax and zhongli sleeping and cuddling together and zhongli got a happy dream about zhongli dragon form to lay in the sun and zhongli was smiling in his sleep and zhongli woke up and saw the Heavenly Principles staring and looked at him and morax and zhongli asked the Heavenly Principles what they want and the Heavenly Principles said it's time to wake up and zhongli wake up morax and zhongli woke up morax and morax woke up and saw the Heavenly Principles and morax asked what do you want and the Heavenly Principles said it's time for the Karen punishment and zhongli accidentally moved his tail and the broken tail moved and zhongli yelped and the Heavenly Principles looked at zhongli's tail and saw it moved and zhongli hissed in pain. bye for now

morax and zhongli meeting a Karan Where stories live. Discover now