zhongli gets sick

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zhongli sneezed and the sneeze shook the earth and morax came in and looked around for zhongli and zhongli was in his dragon form and was sick and morax came up to zhongli and morax said are you feeling okay zhongli and zhongli groans and whines and morax put his hand on Zhongli forehead and morax said zhongli your burning up and it looks like you are getting sick and Zhongli returns to his half human and half dragon form and looks like a mess and zhongli just whine and morax said zhongli did you loose your voice and Zhongli nods and zhongli spoke a little hoarsely and zhongli said mhm and morax can we cuddle and can I use your clothes and morax said okay to all and morax changes zhongli clothes into morax's clothes and zhongli purrs and sneeze and the earth moves when zhongli sneezed and when ever zhongli sneezed the earth shakes and morax said how do you feel zhongli and zhongli said bucket and morax gave him the bucket and zhongli throws up inside the bucket and morax looks at zhongli and morax said how do you feel now zhongli and zhongli softly said head hurts and neck hurts and body aches and hurts and morax said okay I will get you medicine and zhongli try's to get away and morax said not so fast zhongli and morax picks up zhongli and zhongli says why and morax said you are sick zhongli and zhongli whines and morax said zhongli im taking you to the sustainer and morax and zhongli went to the sustainer office and morax knocks on the door and sustainer said come in and morax came in and closed the door and morax sets zhongli on the couch and zhongli sneezed and the earth shook and zhongli whines and sustainer said zhongli are you okay and zhongli couldn't speak because the earth will shake more and morax feels the earth shake more and zhongli pouting at morax

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