chapter 10

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I dreamt of swimming through a swirling galaxy, stars and planets orbiting around me as I plunged into the center. Time and space danced around me with a familiar sort of feeling. As if the planets and I were old friends. I awoke to sweat dripping down my temple and my body sprawled like a star across the comfortable bed. Stretching out, I felt the satisfaction of waking up on land. The sun low in the sky between the willow tree branches outside my window indicated that it was evening time. It took a moment for me to remember where I was.

I crept out of my room tiresomely only to see Death Bringer and Cordelia in the kitchen. She was perched on the edge of the kitchen counter and he was leaned against the island across from her. He looked slightly tense.

"Ah, there she is. Cordelia, darling, I have matters to discuss with my guest. Could I ask for a rain check?" Death Bringer tilted his head, his styled hair falling in his face. Through the flicker of the candle flames, his jewelry and hair beads glistened in the light. His bright eyes were lined with kohl and his fingers covered in rings. One of which being the ruby ring.

Cordelia's eyes flickered to me for a moment and she scowled, "Of course." Her voice was low and sensual as she dragged a finger across his chest while passing him by and slipping out the front door.

He turned to face me again when the front door clicked shut, the upper buttons of his shirt loose and revealing. Death glimmered in his eyes, his fingers fogged with a black mist.

"What is so important?" I raised a brow.

Death Bringer approached me, stopping a few feet away. His hand was rested against the hilt of the sword dangling at his hip. He leaned casually against the wall, his legs crossed. "The island just received word that the Princess of Fae has gone missing and is wanted, dead or alive. You were declared enemy to the crown. The captain also informed me that war is nearing. We will have to leave first thing in the morning to find that crystal."

"War with whom?" I swallowed.

Death Bringer shook his head with displeasure, "Pirates and the Kingdom of Faerie. Your kingdom allied with them. It will be a bloodbath. I was informed this morning that the pirates wish to take over your kingdom while they are distracted with arming the Kingdom of Faerie. Your kingdom will be unguarded."

I shrugged, "What do you want me to say?"

"The pirates will likely seize the king and queen. They will fall, Helena. Your parents will die. You would inherit the crown."

I blinked, my body rigid. Before I could speak, the door behind us clicked open and a wide-eyed Merlin stepped into the hallway.

His green eyes darted between Death Bringer and I, back and forth like clockwork. "You... Helena?"

I was frozen. A statue.

"Helena Ophelia?" Merlin hissed, shooting Death Bringer a weary glance.

I simply nodded, the smooth blanket of magic coating my skin sliding off as my features sharpened and took their natural shape. I had been softening the unmistakable glow of magic usually surrounding me with little concentration. My ears elongated and the Kingdom of Fae vine markings grew out across my revealed skin, trailing all the way from my collarbones to the tips of my middle fingers. Both of the males seemed to suck in a breath, Merlin's eyes wider than before.

"The Princess of Fae is a member of our crew?" Merlin seemed to be in shock.

I curtseyed slightly with a confident smirk. "In the flesh."

Death Bringer bristled and let out a grunt, "As you know, Sea Legs, we should keep this between the three of us. For the lady's sake."

"The pirates would kill you if they knew. War is on the horizon. War against your people. You are in enemy territory! You might as well have signed your own death certificate!" Merlin scolded me, crossing his arms.

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