chapter 11

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Death Bringer did in fact read for the evening with me, neither of us exchanging more than a few curious glances over the pages every now and again. It was a comfortable silence. Hours passed and sleep snuck up on me without warning.


I awoke to the sound of birds chirping just outside my window, the morning sunlight shining on the dark wood floors of the room. Blinking myself back into consciousness, it took me a moment to register I was no longer in the living room but in my bed. I didn't allow myself to think too hard about how I had gotten here and instead distracted myself by accessorizing.

Death Bringer had left a jewelry box in my room along with a few makeup tools I had seen him use on a few occasions. Before long, I had several dangling earrings and layers of bracelets and necklaces. I added a few rings to my hands before braiding my hair and bejeweling a few strands woven within the braid as well. Then I focused my magic on the pockets between our dimension and pulled an outfit from my own personal compartment, much like how Death Bringer had stored playing cards within one back on the Sea Barbarian. In an instant, leather pants and a loose white shirt appeared on the bed alongside a corset and a cloak. The outfit accentuated my curves whilst still remaining as comfortable as I could manage in a corset. Dreadful things. At least my side wounds had entirely vanished as if that beast in the woods had never gotten its claws in me.

When I was finished dressing, I ran my fingers down my body and traced the unfamiliar fabrics. I had never worn an outfit so pirate-like. It left me no choice but to apply some cosmetics to my eyes, darkening them to complete the look. Staring at my dark eyes in a small gold-rimmed mirror, I barely recognized myself. My usually pale skin had tanned from the days spent at sea, my freckles more prominent than before. My braid was so short and dark without the usual pop of red. I faintly resembled my mother, my rounded lips a copy-and-paste of hers alongside the dark coffee shade of my eyes. I looked as though I very well might possess dark magic just as Death Bringer did. I couldn't deny that I looked rather beautiful. Maybe that made me vain, but I didn't care. It was better than wallowing in self-pity over an eternally immortal fae body. The fae who did that enraged me.

I strolled out of the bedroom into the main room where Sea Legs, Cordelia, and Death Bringer all sat. Each of their eyes raised to meet mine as I entered. Cordelia, in a flowing white dress and corset, straightened her posture and narrowed her eyes at me ever-so-slightly. I held her gaze for a moment too long when Sea Legs cleared his throat.

When I looked at him, I couldn't hold his stare for nearly as long. He had slicked his hair back into a ponytail riddled with jewels, his clothes entirely pirate with his belt of weapons and leather attire. A dark shadow hovered in my peripheral of Death Bringer's figure at the end of the couch. Without looking at him, I knew he was dressed in all black and covered in weapons.

"Would you prefer to set the tone for the day or shall I?" I raised a brow to Merlin.

He pushed to his feet, towering over me in a way that didn't make me feel small. "I'm no longer upset with you, if that's what you are asking."

I nodded, "I suppose that is enough for me," then I glanced to Death Bringer, his blue eyes harshly contrasting with the darkness consuming him, "Are we ready to go?"

Cordelia clicked her tongue and tilted her head up at me, "No introduction?"

Concealing my unexplainable distaste for her, I flashed her a snake-like smile, "Sea Wolf." I extended my ringed hand, my fae markings invisible under a blanket of magic.

Her hand was warm and small as she shook mine with a cat-like grin. "Cordelia, Death Bringer's lady."

I did not conceal the amusement that glimmered through my eyes and tugged my smile a little wider. "Pleasure."

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