Jackson Community.

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Tommy, reaching for a quick kiss with his wife after he found her at the resting area of the community.

"Well that was a relief." Maria said after pulling away. "That storm kept you and Joel last night?"

"And something else. We found some kids in the woods, and we brought 'em back. I was hoping maybe you could spare some house for them."

"Well, I need to see them first then. Where are they?" Maria got up from her seat, following her husband outside to the street of Jackson.

"Back in our place. These kids are, special. At least one of them. He and Joel crossed each other in the past."

Maria is intrigued by this information. She and Joel ain't that close, but Tommy told her a lot about him. The brothers only got love for each other now.

"And he's alive?"

She knows that Joel killed a lot of people. Even some were unnecessary, and now someone who survived meeting Joel, that's a new one.

"I said special didn't I? They're inside." Both of them walked inside their place, meeting Joel and the new arrivals.

"Hi. I'm Maria Miller. The leader of Jackson." She went over and greeted (Y/N), extending her hand to him.

(Y/N) hesitate at first, but shake her hand after.

"Miller? You two got a sister?" Tommy and Joel chuckled.

"Sweet home Alabama." Joel muttered but everyone heard him.

"I heard that big boy." Maria warned him. "No, I'm Tommy's wife. What's your name?" (Y/N) take his hand back, unsure of what to tell her.

"Kid, she's the leader here. The least she needs to know is the truth." Tommy speaks up.

But (Y/N) isn't fully convinced. Not yet. He motion for Ana to join him by the side, which she did, shyly stand besides him looking up at Maria.

"I'm Ana. That's Jason."  Ana said, pointing at Jason who's giggling at Joel's handy work with his hair.

"Jesus. How old are they?"

"Ana is somewhere around seven. Jason could barely run yet. Maybe one I think." Maria does feel sympathy for them. Watching kids with no adult in this kind of world is fucked up.

"What about you?"

"Until you give me your confirmation that you'll provide a house and guaranteed safety, I won't reveal anything."

"You're playing hard to get ain't you? Listen kid, we in Jackson community, it's all about trust. First thing would be taking that mask off your face followed by a proper introduction." Maria, with authority in her tone, awaits his answer.

"Fine. On one condition."

"Name it."

Even Joel and Tommy were relieved to hear that. Joel hopes that (Y/N) would at least lower his pride and ego to provide safety for Ana and Jason.

"Other than Ana and Jason, only you three get to know my real name. If the next person shouts my full name to my face, I'm taking the weapons back and leave this place."

"I'm sure we can work on that. Right Maria?" Tommy doesn't like it when Maria felt pressured. Now (Y/N) is coming up with some sort of deal which, could or could not damage the trust that's been built.

"And where will you be going?" 

"Anywhere but here. And you'll probably be responsible for some kids dying, knowing that you could prevent it."

The Best Of Us. (Ellie X Male Reader) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن