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"Why must you be so fucking stubborn?" Ellie questions the boy who's ready to take on the infected by the river.

"Who do you think I got it from?" He answers with another question.

"Don't ask me. I got mine from you. Look, just go back to town. Let's discuss this." She's relentless, but so is (Y/N).

"You know me. Already made up my mind. Besides, no one would bat an eye if I actually died out here."

Now that's just hurtful. Boy think he's either Robin Hood or Batman. He was ready to go but Ellie grabbed him by the wrist, turned him towards her.

"You really think Ana didn't care? Or Joel or Maria?" She slightly raised her voice.

"I know you don't. Ana is still young, she'll learn to forget about me. Joel pointed his gun at me twice, ready to kill me. Maria doesn't even know me other than being a survivor."

"Must you remember only the bad stuff?"

"I forgive but never forget. Even if those who wronged me are dead. Like Marlene and Riley for example."

"Stop bringing them into this. We can discuss this when it's safe. Just-"

"For the last fucking time Ellie, I'm killing every infected that's within my sight before I go back." With that, he forcefully pulled back his arm and walked away from her.

"Fuck it." She readied her gun, and follows him.

He crouched behind a tree, and begin counting.

"One, two, three..."

The numbers keep going with each infected came through his vision.


"Damn that's a lot..."

Ellie whisper behind him which cause him to turn back. Their faces almost hit each other because he didn't notice how close she was behind him. Both slightly pulled back, awkwardly.

"Do you mind?" He asks her, frustrated by the distraction while pushing his mask upwards, exposing his face again.

"Are you gonna kill your way through or you just plan on doing math until the sun sets?" She returns the question.

"It's not that simple." He returns his sight towards the infected area. "Look."

Ellie follows the tip of his finger that's pointing at a tree in some distance. She finally spotted a movement behind it. The infected blended so well that she didn't even notice until now.

"Is that the one you wrote in the book?"

"Yeah. Fucking hate those things. You can go out there, blast your way through, and those assholes still won't come out until your back is facing them."

Ellie doesn't like the sound of that. She remember how Joel used stealth to go around his enemies. And now comes infected who learned how to.

"How are you supposed to lure them out?"

"I've tried different ways these past few days. All of them worked though."

"Show off." Ellie shoots back at him. She can't help but formed a smile on her face. As if she's making progress of regaining his trust.

"Same result, different approaches. Random percentage of risk though." He turned towards her again. "How good is your throw?"

"Better than average. Why? Does throwing bricks part of your plan?"

"Better." He grabbed something from his bag and offers it to Ellie, who's flabbergasted by the item handed towards her.

"Holy shit. How did you get this?" (Y/N) just shrugged at the question.

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