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Six silhouettes walked through an abandoned building, searching for anything useful as they crept around the place.

"It's empty." One of them said. "Nothing useful or edible, maybe someone had already been through here."

"Damn. We're fucked before we reach Jackson at this point." The other one, curse at their unfortunate.

"Think we could track down whoever's closer and trade with them?" The third one asks, hoping for at least something.

"Lives and lies. It's what we did to survive till now. I hope they have at least more things than those two couple we killed. Let's go find some survivors." The others nodded their heads in agreement.

"You don't have to look very far."

An unknown voice echoed from the dark room, startled them. They quickly turned, weapons in hands, ready for a fight.

"Get out of there with your hands up."


"Don't try anything, and we could be gentle." The one in the middle, aimed his pistol at the center of the darkness, ready to pull the trigger.

"A shame. I was hoping for something better."



One shot from the darkness took out the one in the center. A perfect headshot.

The others fire their shots in rage, blasting at the dark entrance without repercussions.


One of them shouts, ceasing their assaults. He walked up to the center, carefully pointing his gun at the darkness in front.

Turning his gaze down at his fallen comrade, and it cost him.


This time, the shot was fired from the side through the broken windows. They failed to get the assailant with the previous attempt.

"Adam!!!" Again they fire aimlessly at the direction.

'Two down, four to go.' 

The unknown assailant has already made his way through the back, stabs the neck of the one at far end, ending him.



A face first headshot to the lady who didn't get the chance to fully turn her body.


*Bang! *Bang!!

The remaining two kept their distance and engaged in a short shootout with him.

A small item, was rolled out from where the assailant is hiding, and bang!

It was a flash grenade, blinding the blonde woman.



The guy on the left let his guard down and was stab to the abdomen, and pushed against the wall. His strength was unmatched against the enemy.

Taking a good look, the enemy wears a vendetta mask, not revealing his face.

While Annie was trying to recover from the blind flash, she too was shot headfirst, ending her instantly.



A right hook to the face, and he slides down against the wall, sitting there in pain.

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