Seattle Day 1.

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Hey everyone. I wanna take this opportunity for all your amazing encouragement and support. 

It was nice to actually form a close community with just writing alone. (Though we don't even know each other. 😅)

So, here. First part and the official part of the story where it reached the original. Leave your comments.



"That's a welcoming sign."

The trio has finally arrived at their destination. Seattle's QZ. Or, was a QZ before everything went to shit.

And judging from the FEDRA corpses lying around, it's not a democratic party.

"Kinda remind you of Pittsburgh, right Joel?" Ellie asks as she's checking on the writing.

"A little." The old man replies.

Their conversation intruiged the third person on the trip.

"What's in Pittsburgh?" (Y/N) asks, while looking around the place.

"FEDRA lost to the rebels. They're killed, put on display. And the rebels that ruled the place, even hunt down other survivors who they call tourists."

It was a thrilling adventure for Ellie and Joel back then.

"Sounds exciting. You two made it through there? Like, you killed all the rebels?"

Joel chuckles.

"We did fought through them. And make it through thanks to Henry and Sam..."

Ellie's voice started to crack, with low ending of her statement.

(Y/N) realizes that both her and Joel's expressions has turned sour. Definitely not a good memories.

"Look." Trying his best to change the topic, he looked around and found a crack on top of the wall.

"Really? That's your plan?" Ellie isn't convinced.

"Well, you got a better one?"

"Maybe you can blow up the gate with some grenades?"

"Okay. Two things." (Y/N) held up his index and middle finger. "One, if I used a grenade, we could be exposed to the sound of the explosion."

"He's got a point." Joel agrees. Despite not liking that her suggestion is wrong, Ellie can't argue with his reasoning.

"And two, I've used all my grenade while I was drawing the infected towards the Baldwin's. So I'm kind of out. Except for flash grenade."

Joel turned towards Ellie, nodding at her.

"Fine. See if you can find something to open the gate. A switch maybe."

With that, (Y/N) does his thing. Climbing over the tank, all the way up to the cracked spot of the wall on top, and jumped off to the other side, leaving Joel and Ellie with the horses.

"Just so we're clear, we are gonna kill the WLF. Right?" Ellie asks the old man.

"Kill is an overstatement. We're just here to stop them from coming after you. But it goes without saying."

"And what about (Y/N)?"

Joel raised his eyebrows, confused by her question.

"What about him?"

"His sister. What do we do when we come across her?"

A beat.

No one knows what's going through (Y/N)'s mind. What would he do when he and Abby come face to face.

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