Chapter 14 - Girls Night

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Hey Lovelies!
What's up? So here is another chapter. I hope u guys will enjoy it. Vote and comment and follow. Love u guys. Now enjoy!

Jenna's Pov

"Congratulations, love. I am soo proud of you." Zayn kissed my temple. I am so happy right now. Everything just seems so right after Zayn walked in my life.

Finally. Like finally I don't have to work for Mr. Ambrose anymore. He is an asshole. Since when he heard that I applied for 'Grey Publishing House' he was behaving really badly with me. I am so grateful that I don't have to work for that company anymore. Working for him was literally a torture. It was a fucking torture.

"Thank you." I jumped on Zayn's lap and gave him a hug. A tight hug. It was so comfortable. Since when this person walked into my life every thing is going great. He is a lucky charm for me.

A lucky charm that you should keep with youself, forever and should never lost it.

And I would have hugged anyone at this time like this. Maybe not that tightly but I would have, specially my friends. Wait, friends..........


"Fuck." I am screwed. "What day is today?"

"It's Saturday. Why? What's wrong? Is everything fine?" Worriness covered his face.

"Shit. I am totally screwed. I am dead." I jumped out of the bed carefully so that I don't spilled the coffee on my bed. It was cold by now but I poured it down my throat in one go. "It's girl's night. There is sleepovers today at my house and I have done zero preps."

Every month we do a girl's sleepover night. Another month and another girl throws it. And this month, it's my turn. It was Clara's idea. We have been doing this for about a year now and I can't ditch them at last minute. But I also needs to do preparation and that's need fucking time. And I don't have that.

"I need to go shopping." Zayn was really surprised to see me this desperate as he have never witnessed me like this. My this behaviour is terrifying. I will not lie....

"Okay. I can help you with that." Zayn was trying to help me and calm me down by anyway he can.

"No, it's fine I will do it by myself. I will do it. I just need to get ready."
And I headed towards the bathroom.

"You sure you don't want any help?" He called out from behind.

"Yeah. You don't need to worry about that. I will handle it. Don't stress."

"I think you are the one who needs to hear that sentence." Actually he is right. I can hear him getting dressed.

Earlier this morning he served me breakfast on bed. He was just in his pants and was shirtless. I wasn't sure which was more stunning, him or that he made breakfast for me. Maybe both. His tanned skin and his six pack abs and his little tattoos covering his chest, not too many but enough to attract me.

J. Focus, Girls Night. Remember?

God it's too hard to focus on anything else when he is around. I brushed my teeth and changed into my comfy clothes. Sweatpants and T-shirts, my all time favourite. It's just so comfortable. When I walked out of the bathroom Zayn was fully clothed. And was ready to leave.

"Hey, I was just about to knock you. I see you are all ready."

"Yupp. It's gonna be a busy day." God, it makes my heart ache just thinking about him leaving.

"You sure you don't need a ride?" I wish I could say yes.

"Actually there is gonna be so bags to carry and I will not be able to handle them in a cab or something. So..."

"Oo that's not a problem. I will drop you back to home." He really wants to help me.

" You don't need to do that. I don't want you to take so much trouble for me." It's upsetting me now.

"Ok okay. Goodbye then." He also doesn't want to leave me. I also don't want him to leave. Also I don't want him to take so much trouble for me.

But we both want to spend a little more time together. And he will also be happy to help. And it will make us both happy.

He was about to open the door.

"Zayn, you know what? Let's go. You can actually help me. And we can spend a little more time together. And you can help me carry my bags too. So, it's gonna be perfect." I walked passed him. "Cummon, fast. We can't be late."

A small smile covered his face. "I will happily do that." He hugged me from behind and kissed my temple.

It's he the best? I can't add the word 'boyfriend' there. And I hate that.

We walked towards his car, he opened the door for me like a 'true gentleman'. The rest of the car ride was not that interesting. I was just making checklist on my mobile and he was paying attention towards his driving and sometimes to me. And there was little talks between us.

He pushed the brake at the parking. I didn't gave him the chance to open the door for me and that was a thing he was not happy about. All the way inside the supermarket he kept groaning about it.

I told him to pick some vegetables and I went towards the dairy products.

"Jenna?" I heard a voice that pinned me on my place. I was not able to move. I felt goosebumps on my whole body. I don't even have to turn around to see who the person is.

I turned around to face the known person " Sam?"

It's my ex. Sam.

What he wants now? Why is he back?


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Love you guys.

Xoxo 💋 - S

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