31 - Stitches

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*Matt's POV*

I just woke up, my head is thumping like crazy, my bruise is hurting and my lip is stinging.

Just perfect.

I looked to my left and saw Eve laying next to me, she looks precious.

I have to go to the bathroom. Shit.

I wasn't gonna wake Eve, and even if I did, she couldn't help me with that.

I slowly and carefully got out of my bed and limped to the bathroom.

*Eve's POV*

I peeled open my eyes. I was still exhausted from yesterday.

I looked behind me, expecting to see Matt but I didn't.

I shot up and grabbed my phone to text him.

Where are you???

In the bathroom

I sighed and put down my phone.

Maybe I am being too worried about him. I just hate seeing him in pain.

After a few minutes the bathroom door opened.

Matt limped out the bathroom and I looked at him.

"Matt." I mumbled, standing up and helping him get back in bed.

"Why would you scare me like that?" I whined and Matt laughed.

Matt grabbed his phone and started typing. A few seconds later I got a message.

I think I need stitches, my lip hurts really bad

"Do you want me to bring you to the hospital?" I asked and he nodded.

"You're gonna have to go like that tho." I said, looking his outfit up and down.

He gave me the 'shit' look and I laughed.

"Come here." I said, helping him get out of bed.

He took my hands and pulled himself up.

He wrapped his arm around my neck and we walked out of his room.

Everyone was still asleep and I wasn't gonna wake anyone.

"Be careful on the stairs, please." I whispered and Matt nodded.

We limped downstairs and I carefully let go of him and grabbed the car keys.

I walked back to him and helped him get in the front seat of the car.

He got in and I got in the driver seat.

I pulled out of the driveway and started driving to the hospital.

"Can you text Nick and Chris from my phone and tell them we're going to the hospital please." I said and Matt nodded.

Matt grabbed my phone and looked at me confused.

"Right. My password. It's your birthday. 010803." I said and Matt smiled.

"What?" I asked and he shook his head.

He opened my phone and went to iMessage.

I'm going to the hospital -Matt


I need stitches on my lip

Doesn't surprise me

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