50 - Flight

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"Can I even fly in my second trimester?" I asked, looking up at Matt.

"I hope so, we already booked the tickets." Matt said.

"Hold on. Lemme google it." I said, pulling out my phone.

'Can you fly in second trimester pregnancy'

"The second trimester of pregnancy is overall the best point of time to travel." I read out loud.

"Perfect timing." Matt smiled at me.

"When are we coming back here tho?" I asked.

"I think in 3 months." Matt said.

"Then I'm already in my third trimester, I can't come with you then." I said.

"But I promised I'd help you." Matt mumbled.

"Do you have any family there?" Matt asked, looking down at me.

"No. All of my family is spread around the east coast." I said as I shook my head.

"I'll stay in L.A. with you." Matt said.

"You can't, then you'll not see Chris and Nick for months. I'll just ask my mom to buy tickets when we're there." I said.

"Are you sure? Because I'll only come back after you gave birth." Matt said.

"I'll be just fine, I promise." I smiled and Matt nodded but he still looked like he was doubting it.

"My mom gave birth to four kids so she'll help me because she knows all the stuff." I said and Matt looked at me confused.

"Four kids?" Matt asked.

"Oh yeah... you don't know about Ava." I said.

"She's Isabella's twin, she ran away 3 years ago because... for some reason." I said, looking down.

"Your sister is a twin? That's so cool." Matt said.

I looked up at him and my face turned emotionless.

"You're literally a triplet, that's way more rare then twins." I said.

"True, but still." Matt said.

I looked at my baby bump coming in and sighed.

"Hey, it'll be okay, alright?" Matt noticed something was off.

"I know, I'm just so worried. What if I'm not gonna be a good mom?" I worried.

"You're gonna be a great mom." Matt comforted me, putting his arms around me.

I sighed deeply and looked down again.

"I love you." Matt said, lifting my head up by my chin with his hand.

I slightly smiled before feeling something in my stomach.

I put my hand on the baby bump and giggled.

"What?" Matt asked.

"The baby is kicking." I smiled.

Matt shot up and held his hands out.

"May I?" He asked.

"You may." I giggled.

Matt put his hands on the bump and giggled.

"Wow, your baby is strong." Matt said and I chuckled.

"Wait... when can I like... discover the gender of the baby?" I asked.

"I don't know, imma google it." He said, sitting back next to me.

He typed for a while and scanned the screen.

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