Can I Get A Picture? Chapter One

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Y/N pov

I angrily hang up the phone on my management tired of them trying to control my life, they are forcing me to go to this brunch that Beyoncé and Jay z hosts every year on grammy weekend. I don't hate them or anything I'm just not one of those artists that like to party and be around big crowds for fun, if I'm not getting paid for it I'm not interested.

I'll much rather be at home chilling enjoying my own company than being around others that I don't really know or care to know. The only thing I'm interested in is doing my music, doing my shows and that's all. Some may call it antisocial but I call it protecting my peace. It was a time I was close to doing time trying to protect my "friends" but when it was time to return the favor I was left high and dry.

I quickly learned the lesson that everyone that says they're your friend ain't really your friend, but I'm done with the trip down memory lane back to this brunch. my management team says going to this brunch would be a good look for me, and my fans will feel more of a connection to me. How is that? I don't know but now I have to go. The worst part about this is it's tomorrow and I know they did this on purpose so I wouldn't have time to back out they have everything all planned out for me. Little do they know if I don't like it I'll rather go naked.

The Next Day

I let out a long drawn out sigh I gave the "glam team" as hard of a time as I could but I lost since I still have to go to this dumb ass place. I dressed in the suite they gave me and sat through  hours of this lady washing, coloring, and cutting my hair. She's not the person I normally have do my hair and I'm very picky about my hair, but do they care? Nope. And to add the cherry on top they're forcing me to do a photo shoot to post on my instagram.

I had to stand and pose in different poses while the photographer snapped away. After seeing I wasn't cooperating they finally gave up choosing one of the pictures to post.

Now it's time for me to head to the brunch and hopefully they have some food cause I'm starving

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Now it's time for me to head to the brunch and hopefully they have some food cause I'm starving. Anyways once I arrive nothing major really happened and I had small talk with a few people I worked with once before then I ran into jay and said a few words to him. Then after that Beyoncé arrived and you know the commotion she causes, I've been here for about a hour and a half and I wanted to take a quick pic with her but she has too many people surrounding her.

I gave up hope to get close enough for that and look past the body's of people around me to search for an exit. As my eyes dance around for one they land on a fellow musician Lizzo, I never worked with her before or previously met her but I always come to her defense on social media. In my opinion I think social media is the worst invention ever created, it gives a bunch of nobodies the freedom to body shame someone on a regular basis.

Pardon me for my ranting let's get back to Lizzo, I see her and she sees me and I go over to her. So far she's really been the only one I'm excited to see, I make it to her and we embrace each other in a warm hug like we known each for a long time. "It's good to meet you" I tell her once we pull apart and dap her man up too

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