Can I Get A Picture?Chapter Six

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It's been 4 days since Kelly's and I date and I intended on seeing her the following day but we both got slammed with work, so we had to settle for texting and calling each other here and there whenever there was time. Right now I'm in the studio writing a song for my album, for some random reason the word "Pretty" keeps popping up in my head followed by an image of Kelly. My hand moves quickly over the paper as words just come to me, I'm at the end of a line when there's a knock on the studio door.

I look over at the engineer and producer thinking maybe whoever it is for them because I know I haven't invited anyone, the two men look at me with the same blank expression and I know it's not for them either. So I just decided to let the person in "Come In!!!" I say loud enough so they can hear

The person who walks through the door is the last person I was expecting

"Um boys can y'all give me a second" I say to them and they leave leaving me alone with Sevyn

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"Um boys can y'all give me a second" I say to them and they leave leaving me alone with Sevyn. I already know what she's tryna do and what she wants, we've done it thousands of times before but things has changed now. She knows her sexy brown skin is my weakness and she's really showing it off right now, but again things have changed and she isn't as sexy as my Kelly.

"Sevyn what are you doing here?" I ask her

"You haven't been answering my calls so I thought to pay you a visit" she seductively replied moving closer slowly like she's a predator and I'm the prey 

"It's a reason for that" I say needing her to leave before she gets me in trouble

"I don't care about your reasons, the only thing I care about is me and what you can do for me" she says smoothly

"Amber I need you to stop this. I'm seeing someone right now and it's serious" I say getting up walking towards her not interested in playing her mind games

"Oh we on first name basis now? And you seeing someone, ha now that's funny" she says actually laughing

"Amber I'm serious! And I need you to leave" I say firmly

"Do you see her here right now? Exactly no! The only two people here are you and I. The only two people who will know what's going on"

She say seductively again moving in on me running her hands on my chest and her body against mines, I remove her hands and place my hands on her hips to gently push her back not wanting to hurt her. "Amber stop I said I'm seeing someone-"
The studio door opens and my eyes snap up hoping one of the guys came in to rescue me, instead I see Kelly making my eyes bulge practically out of my skull.

"Kelly this isn't what it looks like I swear!" I say pushing Sevyn off of me and chase behind Kelly as she storms off.

Kelly POV ~

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