Can I Get A Picture?Chapter Seven

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As I'm driving to Kelly's house I wonder if using one of her best friends really a good idea, honestly I'm only using her to get to Kelly but I don't want her to get the wrong impression once she see us two together. My goal is for Kelly and I to reconnect not get driven further apart, but Kelly gave me no other choice and won't respond to any of my attempts of communication so this is the only way I can get to her. Discarding my doubts I decided this would be my best option I pull up to her house parking on the side of the street just as I see Angie get out of a car of her own just a few cars ahead, I climb out of my vehicle and prepare to greet her so we can go in together.

Angie's POV

Kelly is going to be in for a big surprise I just did her a big one! I ran into yn at the store and man wasn't she looking good enough to eat, even in something as simple as sweats and a wife beater. I know Kelly was upset when she came to me the first time about their 'situation' but enough time has passed since then and I'm sure Kelly would like to see a familiar face, I know as a friend I probably shouldn't support my best friend affair but for some reason I like the idea of her with Y/n instead of Tim.

A part of me wish I could try my luck and shoot my shot at Y/n, but it's goes completely against girl code, things could get complicated, and that's simply not how I or any of the girls roll. And plus it's so obvious yn has feelings for Kelly that even a blind person could see, I could tell that she was going to decline my invitation to the party but the mention of Kelly quickly changed her mind. I thought it was so cute!

I arrived at Kelly house and turn to walk towards the door before Y/n arrives at the same time "I'm glad you actually came, you ready to go inside?"

"After you" she says

We walk to the door with yn being a gentlewoman that she is allowing me to lead the way, once we reach the door I grab her hand just so I can tease with Kelly a little bit once she sees us. The door is already unlocked and the rest of the girls are already here so we just walk in until we run into the others. I hear conversation coming from the kitchen area so I walk us in that direction, we walk in quietly but it takes no time for everyone's attention to turn to us.

I put on a big smile watching everyone faces go from laughter and joy before turning to confusion and shock once they see Y/n and i conjoined hands. "Hey everybody, hope y'all don't mind I invited my friend Y/n she's my date tonight!" I say to everyone teasing Kelly but also using it as our cover story. The men really don't care but I can see the girls look on amongst themselves in confusion stealing quick glances at Kelly to see her reaction, I finally move my glance over to her seeing her intensely looking at our hands. "Oh yeah they definitely got something going on" I think to myself.

I disconnect our hands and gently place my hand on her back as I turn yn's attention to the men as I sleekly send a playful wink to Kelly. "So guys this is Y/n she's my date for today and Y/n this is Jay, Tim, and Chad I'm sure it's a few more people outside! But guys this is Y/n!" I say

"Me and her already met actually, and now that I know you're seeing Angie the whole burn thing explains alot. She's crazy as hell" Tim says laughing

Ahehe haha my ass I say as my eyes roll to the back of my head, I swear he think he's just so funny.

"Yeah she's been single for so long we started to think it was her looks" Jay says joining Tim in laughter

Alright I let Tim slide simply because I think he's corny but Jay is the lastttt person who needs to say anything about my looks when him and Donkey from sherk looks like twins. I open my mouth to go off on his ass but Y/n beats me too.

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