kaise bataun tujhe

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As Randhir moved to the balcony for his phone call, Sanyukta sat down, her head spinning with a mix of emotions. She had been feeling a little off since morning — the mood swings, cravings, and the persistent feeling of nausea had taken her by surprise. She hadn't paid much attention to it until now.

Sanyukta's heart raced as she sat alone in their living room, staring at the pregnancy test she had just taken. The two pink lines on the test strip were unmistakable. She was pregnant. Her emotions swirled in a tumultuous sea of joy, anxiety, and uncertainty.

She knew she had to share this news with Randhir, but the thought of how he would react weighed heavily on her mind. They had always been partners in every sense of the word, but this was different. This was a life-altering revelation, one that would shape their future in ways they hadn't anticipated.

Minutes passed like hours as she waited for Randhir to finish his call. Her thoughts raced, and she tried to imagine his reaction. What would he say? How would he feel about becoming a father?

When Randhir returned from the balcony, he found Sanyukta lost in thought. He could see the worry in her eyes and the way she clutched the pregnancy test tightly. "Sanyukta, what's going on?" he asked, his voice filled with concern.

Sanyukta's hands trembled as she handed him the pregnancy test. She couldn't find the words to speak. The positive result on the test conveyed everything she wanted to say but couldn't express. Her eyes met Randhir's, searching for his reaction.

Randhir stared at the test for a moment, his face a mix of emotions. He looked up at Sanyukta, his eyes filled with wonder and a touch of vulnerability. "You're pregnant," he said softly, the words laden with awe.

Sanyukta nodded, her voice barely above a whisper. "Yes."

As the realization settled in, Randhir's expression shifted from surprise to something more profound. He sat down beside Sanyukta and took her hand in his. "Sanyukta, this is incredible," he said, his voice filled with warmth and love. "We're going to be parents."

Sanyukta's heart swelled with relief as she saw the happiness and excitement in Randhir's eyes. His support and positivity washed away her initial anxieties. She finally found her voice and said, "I'm so glad you feel that way, Randhir. I was worried about how you'd react."

Randhir smiled, a smile that conveyed his love and assurance. He leaned in and kissed her gently, a sweet and tender reassurance that they were in this together. As they pulled away, he whispered, "Sanyukta, I couldn't have asked for a better partner to share this journey with. I'm looking forward to becoming a father."

The revelation had brought them closer than ever. They knew their lives were about to change in profound ways, and as they held each other, they felt a deep sense of gratitude for the love that bound them, stronger than ever. Their journey into parenthood had begun, and it was a journey they were excited to embark on, hand in hand.

Sanyukta's pregnancy had brought an indescribable joy into their lives, but it also came with its share of ups and downs. Morning sickness, mood swings, and those seemingly endless cravings became part of their daily routine. Randhir was there every step of the way, supporting her through the rollercoaster of emotions and physical changes.

One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm orange glow across the balcony of their penthouse, Randhir gently helped Sanyukta settle into a comfortable chair.

She was in her second trimester, her baby bump prominently visible, and her radiant smile was all the more luminous.Sanyukta's fingers traced the outline of her belly, and she sighed contentedly.

"Randhir, can you believe that there's a tiny human growing inside me? It's a miracle, isn't it?"

Randhir sat beside her, his eyes filled with a mixture of wonder and affection. He placed a tender kiss on her forehead.

"It truly is, Sanyukta. And knowing that this little life is a part of us, a product of our love, is the most incredible feeling."

As the days turned into weeks, their apartment transformed. They cleared out one of the smaller rooms to create a nursery, painting it with whimsical and colorful designs, complete with an alphabet wall. They had heated discussions over potential baby names, and despite the disagreements, they always found their way back to each other.

One night, as they lay in bed, Sanyukta snuggled against Randhir's chest.

"Randhir, what do you think about the name Aarav for a boy?"

Randhir ran his fingers through her hair, deep in thought. "Aarav? I like it. It has a nice ring to it. But what if it's a girl?"Sanyukta giggled.

"Then we'll have to think of a girl's name, won't we?"With a smile, Randhir agreed, and they drifted into dreams of a future filled with laughter, love, and parenthood.

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