Chapter 3

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Harry's mind lingered on what happened the night before as he measured all of the ingredients he was tasked with handling for the potion. Draco had slept in the room of requirements with Harry, which was unusual for him. Harry wondered what Draco meant when he had said he wasn't going to let Ronald touch him anymore. Did Draco already know about what Ron had been doing-

"Is this really all you can do Harry! You got it all wrong!" Ron shouted, pulling Harry out of his thoughts and causing the other boys in class to look at them both, "Why can't you make one potion right?! You always screw up on something!" Harry felt the tears forming. He hated being yelled at in front of a large group, and Ron knew that. There was nothing he could do to stop the tears. Snape was out of the room, talking with professor McGonagall. Harry was sure he was going to get yet another detention along with Ron for disrupting the class.

"Weasley," Came an all too familiar and calming voice from behind Harry, "Will you stop blabbing like you know everything, and maybe check your work on the potion, Potter had all of his ingredients measured perfectly." Harry turned back, seeing Draco, almost- no- definitely wishing he had Draco as a partner for now on. "I thought the Weasleys were best friends with Potter," Draco said sarcastically. Harry laughed under his breath before turning back to Ron, who was now standing, and looking furious.

"Buzz off Malfoy," Ron said, turning back to Harry. "Harry, We're done here. Let's go!"

"Class isn't over yet." He argued, but to no avail. Ron grabbed his arm and pulled him up. He leaned over and whispered in Harry's ear.

“Let's go. Now. And if you don't, tonight will be worse for you." Harry shot Draco to look for help. Ron's grip tightened, causing him to wince from the bruises already on his arm.

Draco blocked the path and crossed his arms. "Unhand Potter," Draco threatened, "Or else."

"Or else what Malf- '' Ron was cut off by Draco pointing his wand at his throat. He froze, and Harry was unsure if he should try to pull away. Ron's grip was already starting to cut off the blood flow to his arm, and It was getting numb.

"Want to try again Weasley?" Draco smirked, both of them knowing it only took a spell to send Ron to the Hospital wing. "I would let go of Potter if I was you. I don't think you want to lose your next Quidditch match because you can't fly."

Ron scoffed, and let go of Harry's arm, shoving him a little. Harry didn't know whether to sit down again and hold in his tears, or if he should stand by Draco. Draco lowered his wand. Ron pushed past Draco, shoving him to the side, and all Harry wanted to do in that moment was help him, but his feet didn't move.

Draco's gray eyes trailed back to Harry. Draco walked up to Harry, the first time in public since before the incident on the quidditch field. He hugged the shorter brunette boy.

Don't cry. Boys don't cry. Everyone is watching you... Just pretend it was fine.

"It's okay," Draco said, "I won't judge you, you did nothing wrong." Harry hugged him back, a few stray tears falling. He could feel everyone staring.

"Potter's crying like a baby!" one of the girls teased. He felt Draco look up, and she immediately quit talking.

Draco let go of Harry, standing beside him, looking at the class, everyone's eyes still on them. He nodded at two of his friends. What's happening? Why are they getting up? Harry recognized Blaise, but the girl he had never seen. He felt Draco's Hand on his shoulder. His friends stood on either side of them. Blaise was on Harry's side, and the girl on Draco's side.

"If anyone dares touch Potter again, It won't look so pretty," Draco threatened, his face as serious as Harry had ever seen it.

After potions was over, Draco took Harry's arm gently and led him to their next class. Many gryffindors and slytherins  starred as they walked past, Blaise and the girl were behind them, as they had the same schedule as Draco and Harry. He thought it would be embarrassing to have Draco pull him around, but it was quite the opposite. Since Draco kept Ron away from him, no one else even tried to talk to Harry besides a few slytherin kids. Draco did all the talking on his part, to which Harry was very thankful for.

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