Chapter 5

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Four days later.

Harry sat underneath a tree in the garden. He wiped tears off of his face, and put his glasses back on. It was the day of the trial, and Draco had been gone for almost the whole morning. Harry was scared to say the least. He agreed to testify against Albus for what he did. Severus had told him he would be taking a truth potion before getting on the stand. He didn't want to say anything about Ron, but he knew that if he was asked, he would have to tell them. That was the scariest part.

He was told he would not be allowed to see Draco until the trial. No Draco meant Harry would stay away from as many people as he could, it also meant he had no one to talk to, and it definitely meant he had no one to help calm him down if he started to panic. Harry skipped breakfast after being told this the night before. Lucius would be upset, but would not hit or scold Harry, simply just ignore him for a day or two. Harry wasn't sure what to think of this. He was used to being ignored, but that usually followed some sort of physical injury caused by the Dursleys.

Harry sat, lost in thought for what felt like an eternity before he heard his name being called.

"Harry, are you out here?" Narcissa called, "Dear, you skipped breakfast and we leave after lunch." Harry heard two sets of footsteps approaching, thankful the tree he was sitting under was big enough to hide his body.

Wait… Two pairs of footsteps…? That means-

"Potter," Lucius said sternly, making Harry jump a little, "You need to eat and have something in your stomach before you take the truth potion or you will get very nauseous very fast." Harry decided it would be no use to try to keep hiding, they knew he was out here.

"I'm not hungry sir…" Harry mumbled. He pulled his knees to his chest and rested his head on them. Harry heard Lucius and Narcissa walk closer, and stop in front of him.

"I said you need to eat."

"Being nauseous is nothing new to me. Had to do everything house elves do under much worse conditions and no magic." Harry stated simply. He heard his voice crack a little, and felt tears forming in his eyes. He remained looking down with his head resting on his knees.

"For Draco?" Narcissa asked, "Please?"

Harry looked up. The mention of Draco caught him off guard. Her smile was soft, and she looked a bit worried.

After they had finally convinced Harry to eat something, he got changed into more appropriate clothes, which Draco had set out the night before. He was dressed in one of Draco's nicer sets of robes, and he brushed his hair, which fell back into place no matter how many times he tried to fix it. The robes were loose on Harry, but they didn't look out of place on him.

Harry walked downstairs and made his way to the sitting room. He saw Lucius and Narcissa standing by the fireplace. He stood by them after taking some floo powder.

"Remember to speak clearly," Lucius reminded him before throwing his handful into the fireplace. "Ministry Of Magic." He stepped through, then Narcissa motioned Harry next.

Once he was through, Lucius beckoned Harry to follow him.

"Head up, look confident, stay close to me unless I give you direct orders." He said. "Am I clear?"

"Yes sir."

Narcissa caught up fast, and the three of them walked for what seemed to be forever before coming to impressive looking doors. Lucius stopped. He looked at Harry, then opened the doors. The room was half full of witches and wizards, but looked a lot like a muggle courtroom.

The Judge looked up as they walked in, and gave Lucius a nod and a small smile. She looked pleasantly nice, and gestured to a side of the courtroom. Harry looked to the other side, and saw Albus, who was just sitting there like he had nothing to hide.

Harry took a seat by a man, roughly as old as Lucius, and stayed quiet. He looked around for Draco, but did not see him. Time passed, and witnesses were put on the stand, but Harry was unfocused.


"Harry Potter." One of the lawyers announced. Harry rose from his seat and walked to the front, where he was handed a potion. "Please drink this." the man said.

A truth potion….

Harry drank the potion and took a seat, looking out to the crowd and seeing Dumbledore's face change from a happy smile to a worried one. He felt calmer, and more relaxed.

"Tell the court exactly what Headmaster of Hogwarts, Albus Dumbledore said and did for you to testify against him today."

Harry felt his mouth open as the potion took full effect.

"He allows professors and students to physically, verbally, and sexually abuse me, as he does himself." Harry started. The crowd looked shocked. "Headmaster Dumbledore Tells me I am nothing but a freak. He has used the Imperius curse, and the Crucio curse on me multiple times. He also touc-" Harry started to choke, and stopped talking for a second. The Judge looked down at him, then to Albus, who was staring intently at Harry.

"Well, it seems you have taken an unbreakable vow," the man said, frowning. Albus smiled. "Next question then. Which professor or professors did Albus let abuse you and how was it done?" After Harry stopped choking, he was able to answer.

"Professor Umbrige." Harry stated. "She made me use a blood quill to write I mustn't tell lies in detention every time she gave it to me." The crowd gasped as Harry finished his statement.

"How many lines did she have you write for each detention?"

"One hundred."

"May I see the scar?" asked the Judge as she looked down at him.

Harry lifted his arm and rolled the sleeve up, revealing a half healed scar written in his handwriting that read I mustn't tell lies. The Judge then gestured for the man to continue asking questions.

"Mr. Potter, would you tell the court who the student or students that abused you?" the man continued.

No… I didn't want to say anything about them today…

"Ronald Weasley and Ginny Weasley." Harry answered.

"How did they abuse you?"

"Ronald punched me, kicked me, and threw curses at me daily, including the Crucio curse. He raped me multiple times. If I cried, he would make it worse. Ginny hit me daily, not more than that." Harry stated. He looked emotionless from the outside, but as soon as the potion wore off he would be crying.

"Did anyone else know anything about this?" the man asked.

"I told Professor Snape and Draco Malfoy about Ronald punching and kicking me when I woke up in the hospital wing five months ago, as I was too scared to say anything else. Nothing more was said until a few days before Christmas holiday, when I told Draco."

"What is your relationship with young Mr. Malfoy?" the lawyer Harry had sat by earlier stood up to object, but it was too late.


"Draco Malfoy is currently my boyfriend." Harry said.

Murmurs and gasps were heard around the room. More questions were asked, some of them less relevant than others. Finally, Harry was told he could sit back down in his seat.

Harry was zoned out for most of the remaining time, the effects of the truth potion not having worn off yet. Harry was tapped on the shoulder a while later, and he looked up at the Judge as she spoke.

"Albus Dumbledore, please rise." he stood up, looking slightly worried. "You have been found guilty on all charges against Harry Potter. You are hereby sentenced to life in azkaban." She said, looking at him, then to the rest of the courtroom. "Case dismissed."

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