Chapter 7

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Christmas came and went, and it was a week before school started again. Harry had gotten to understand and trust Tom. Draco was by his side the whole time, day and night. Harry had gotten so used to Draco sleeping with him in the same bed, he didn't know how he would sleep once he was back at hogwarts.

Harry bolted awake, looking at his bed, then to Draco's. Draco was gone.


Harry got up quickly, and grabbed his glasses and wand, not bothering to put on a shirt. He rushed downstairs and called out to Draco. No answer.

"My, my… Dear boy, haven't you learned your lesson?" Dumbledore's voice spoke.

"What did you do to him!"

"Nothing. He did it himself, with a little inspiration of course…" Something beckoned Harry to walk to the gardens. He made his way through what seemed like an endless hallway and saw Draco.

"Dra-" Draco's lifeless body fell backwards. Harry ran. And ran. And ran. But he only seemed to be getting further away from Draco. "No! DRACO!!" He heard Albus laughing. Harry tripped, and landed on the ground. He was trembling- No… Someone was shaking him. He felt hands on his shoulders.

He screamed. "NO!!! Let me save him!!!" Harry pulled away from whoever was touching him, but moments later he felt gentle arms wrap around his torso from behind. He struggled to get free, but as gentle as the arms were, they were that strong.

"It's not real…"

"Let me save Draco!!!" Harry shouted to the invisible force holding him back.

"I'm right here, Harry. I'm holding you. Follow my voice." Harry struggled more. Draco's body vanished, and Harry screamed again. Harry didn't stop trying to get free until he felt himself being pulled backwards and smelt peppermint.

"P-Peppermint… I smell peppermint" Harry mumbled, "Draco smells like peppermint… I smell-"

"I'm right here…. It's me, Draco…" Harry felt the gentle grip around his torso loosen a little.

Harry opened his eyes as the horrid nightmare faded away. He wasn't in the hallway anymore. He was in his bed. Draco's arms were wrapped around him in a hug. Harry was still breathing rapidly, but he didn't care.


"I'm here Harry…"

Harry started to cry, and Draco turned him around, comforting him. After Harry had learned the truth about Tom, they had both started having more frequent nightmares about Albus, sometimes of each other's memories. He still had nightmares about Ron, but those had subsided mostly. Lucius had soundproofed the bedroom Bellatrix and Tom were staying in, along with Draco's room so Tom and Harry wouldn't wake up the rest of the manor.

Harry and Draco learned and started to communicate using Legitimacy more often. It would be useful in communicating in the classes they would not have together, and across the great hall instead of walking to each other's house tables.


At breakfast the next morning, Harry didn't touch his food, he just sat silently. He watched Lucius read the Daily Prophet, and Narcissa talk to Draco and Bellatrix. Tom sat by Bellatrix, occasionally giving his opinion.

"Harry, you need to eat, Harry."

Draco's voice echoed in his head.

Harry looked at Draco, who glanced at Harry's untouched plate, then back to him.

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