Chapter 6

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There wasn't a single reason for my brother to be mad at me. I clearly hurt his manhood by stopping him from fighting Landon last night. And according to him, I should not have interfered. Even if I was simply trying to protect someone I love and care about.

I scoffed. Men.

I was drawing in my sketchbook when my phone pinged beside me. I picked it up off my bed to read over the text message Miles sent.

Miles: Last night was fun.

I smiled, feeling all giddy and warm inside. My thumbs flew across the screen, eager to send back a reply.

Me: It was. The kiss was nice, too.

His response was received in seconds.

Miles: "Very nice. I'm hoping I'll be able to do it again. With your permission, of course.

My smile widened at his desire to kiss me again. I was getting ready to send him a text back telling him I couldn't wait for him to kiss me again, but then a knock sounded on my door.

"Come in," I said, setting my phone down as the door was opened and my mom walked in.

"I heard what happened," she said, crossing her arms over her chest.

I had expected her to be upset about it, but considering I stopped the fight between those two dumbasses, she was probably just glad no one had gotten seriously hurt.

My eyes rolled. Out of all my siblings, Hayden's the least likely to get involved in a fight. He's only been in a few fights in his lifetime, the majority of them with Landon. It takes a lot to truly upset him and bring him to the point of exchanging fists. Unless you're Landon Avery.

Now, as for my brother Declan, he doesn't care who you are. He will start swinging long before a sentence is finished. Mason, he's always ready to throw fists, but it's usually for someone he cares about. Adeleine and I, we try our best to stay away from the drama. Our family is on the internet enough as it is.

"I am so sick of those two," I told my mom. "I mean, Hayden's not even on the Lacrosse team anymore. So what's the point of it all?"

"They're guys," she answered. "Fighting is in their nature. Eventually, they will work it out."

I gave my mom a look of uncertainty. I wasn't so sure Hayden and Landon would ever be able to talk to each other without fighting. And it's not like I'm exactly a fan of him either.

Even if Hayden and Landon somehow put an end to their fued and become best buds, I will not be hopping on that train. I have no wish to ever be Landon Avery's friend.

"Anyway," my mother continued, "I spoke with your brother. He should be calling you soon with an apology."

"Thanks, mom."

"Of course, honey."

She left the room and sure enough, my phone rang. I glanced at the caller ID before answering.

"Hey, Harps."


"I want to apologize for what happened. Landon, he just always brings the worst out of me."

"I know." Landon does the same to me. "I forgive you." He took a breath, sounding relieved. "How's your hand?"

"Sore but fine. How was your date with that art kid?"

My eyes rolled at his failure to remember Miles' name. "It was great. We kissed."

"Did you finally get the sparks you were hoping for?"

"Yeah, I did." Somewhat. I still can't help but feel like something is missing. I'm not sure what it is exactly. I'm still trying to figure that out.

My brother and I talked some more before he had to go. He and Olive were baking cookies and having a scary movie marathon. They asked me to join them, but I didn't really feel like third-wheeling tonight.

Picking back up my sketchbook, I resumed working on the orchid I was drawing. The sound of my phone pinging in the silence drew my attention yet again. I paused what I was doing and read over the text message I received from whom I thought would be Miles but ended up being my brother Declan.

Declan: Can you come over to babysit tomorrow?

Me: Sure. What time you need me there?

Three dots appeared before my brother's reply popped up on my phone screen.

Declan: Noon. It will just be for an hour. Aya and I are going to take Levi to the doctor.

My thumbs fly across the screen at the mention of my nephew. He's had an ear ache for the last few days now. Things must have gotten worse.

Me: Is he okay?

Declan: Yeah... 

Another text appeared immediately after the last one.

Declan: Aya thinks it's an ear infection. I'm really trying not to freak out.

 I always thought Declan's anxiety was bad. But now that he's a father, it's a lot worse. I'm glad he has Aya to keep him calm. She's amazing with my brother. It reminds me of how my mom is with my dad. She's very patient and knows what to say and down to prevent panic attacks.

Me: It's going to be okay.

Declan's kids have gotten sick before. None of them have ever been bad enough where they needed to go to the doctor. Levi will be the first. And since he's still pretty young, Declan's anxiety is probably through the roof.

I was right when Declan didn't reply. Not only could I feel it, but Aya texted me letting me know what had happened. Declan had another panic attack. Thankfully, Aya was there. She was able to get my brother to calm down before he ended up hyperventilating and passing out. 

Thankfully, it rarely gets to that point.

Leaving Aya to handle her husband, I pulled up the contacts between me and Miles. I contemplated finishing the conversation we started before my mom walked in. After texting several versions of a reply, I settled on one I felt wasn't too forward but wasn't too safe either.

Me: I'd like that.

Miles texted back instantly. It was a smiley face emoji. It brought a smile to my own face that never faded even as I finished my drawing and later fell asleep.

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