Chapter 28

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Hayden wanted to talk. I just finished helping Aunt Haley close up shop when he called and said to meet him at Mom and Dad's.

He was in the backyard when I got home. Mom, Dad, and Adeleine were all in the living room pretending not to listen in as I headed outside.

Hayden was sitting on the edge of the pool, his jeans rolled up, and his feet dangling off the side of the pool.

I took off my shoes and sat down with him. Hayden was surprised when I put my feet in the water so easily. He looked over at me. "You're not afraid anymore?"

"I still am, but my boy- Landon," I quickly correct, "has been helping me."

My brother looked away, his green eyes fixated on the bright blue water again. "You can say boyfriend," he says in a soft but annoyed tone. "There's no point in trying to sugarcoat shit."

I wasn't trying to sugar coat anything. If anything, I was just trying to spare my brother's feelings. It's obvious he's still upset about my relationship with his enemy and my former one.

A beat of silence passes between us. All you can hear is the faint chirp of a grasshopper and the trickle of the water.

I kick my feet, nervously chewing on my lip. "How long has Mom, Dad, and Ade been pretending to watch TV?"

"Since I got home."

Another moment of silence. Things have never felt so awkward with my brother. I feel as though we were strangers and not twins that shared a womb for nine months.

Hayden's the first to speak this time around. "Is he the reason you went to New York?"

I stop kicking my feet. Out of all the questions I thought he'd ask me, that wasn't one of them. "Yeah," I say with a slow nod. I tell him how I raced to the airport. And how I bought a ticket and joined his flight. I even told him how pissed off he had been by my presence.

"Damn," Hayden says.

"Yep. I know it was crazy as hell, but I needed him to know how I felt about him."

Hayden's brows dip into a frown of confusion. "I'm just trying to understand. You hated him just as much as I did after what he did to you. So when did it all change?"

"Honestly, the movie theater."

His eyes widen. "When you were dating Miles?"

I'd forgotten all about Miles. I haven't seen nor heard from him since I broke up with him. When I was crushing on him, I couldn't get him out of my head. Now, he's become a bad memory. A bitter taste in my mouth.

"I liked Miles. I really did. But Landon, he-"

"Challenges you," my brother cuts in. "I know."

"I also love him," I murmur. "I can't breathe without him. I've never felt this way about anyone. And Hays, it terrifies me."

I didn't notice the tears streaming down my face until Hayden reached out to wipe them away. Hayden hasn't done that in so long. He used to do it all the time when we were kids, and dad and mom couldn't get me to stop crying.

"You feel the same way about Landon that I feel for Olive." He dropped his hand. "I was so angry when I found out about you two. It was hard to see past my selfishness. He makes you happy. I can tell."

A smile spreads across my face. "He does. And believe me, I didn't think it was possible. But he's the best thing that's ever happened to me."

"It's going to take me some getting used to, Harps." I nod in understanding. Hayden gives me a look. "He's the only one, right?"

"Yes. Well..." Hayden tenses. I've never kept anything from my brother. And after doing it once, I'm never doing it again. So I confess to sleeping with Kai and how I had only done it to get back at Miles for cheating on me.

He wasn't happy about my confession, but he was appreciative that I told him instead of someone else.

"But Landon's the last. Promise." I hold up my pinky finger, and he hooks it with mine. "And I still think you should speak to Landon."

Hayden's smile diminishes. "Seriously?"

"Seriously. It's time you two put your male pride aside and talk it out. Or fuck," I joke. "Hate sex worked great for us."

The color from his face drains. He gags, and I almost think he's going to throw up. I burst out in laughter, my stomach hurting from laughing so hard.

"New rule. Never. And I mean never talk about your sex life around me."

I shrug. "Fine. As long as you do the same."

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever." He holds out his hand, and we shake on it.

Heading back into the house, our parents and sister sharply turn their heads back to the TV as if we hadn't just caught them eavesdropping.

My eyes roll. "We know you guys were listening."

"You can drop the act," Hayden adds.

My dad turns off the TV, and they all bring their attention back to us. My dad looks between the two of us. "Is everything good?"

Hayden and I share a brief glance and smile. "Yeah," I reply. "We're good."

"Finally!" Adeleine shouts excitedly. "So, when do we get to meet your boyfriend?"

Landon and I haven't talked about meeting each other's parents. Meeting his hadn't been planned, and I want to make sure everything is good between him and my brother before I introduce him to mine.

"I don't know yet," I answer. "I'll ask him."

I pull out my phone and send Landon a text, seeing if he wants to meet my family soon. My phone pings with a new message in seconds.

Landon: Yeah, I'm down. When?

Me: How does this Sunday sound?

Sunday and Saturday are our designated family dinner days. So it will be perfect. All of my family will be here then.

I'm not worried. Despite Hayden's history with him, I think they will like him. His only real challenge will be having to get through my Aunt Ivy, my Uncle Everett, and Mason. Other than that, everything should go smoothly.

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