Chapter 24

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Harper's POV
Landon refused to tell me where we were going. Just that I was to dress comfortably. So, I put on a floral cropped blouse, denim shorts, and sandals. I kept my makeup minimal and didn't even attempt to try and tame my hair.

He had his hand over my eyes, leading me down some kind of hill. It wasn't until I felt the warm sand seep through my toes and heard the crashing of the waves that I figured out where he'd taken me. The beach.

"Landon." I stopped abruptly, shaking where I stood. "What are we doing here?"

He removed his hand from my eyes, a blanket with a picnic basket waiting for us further down shore.

"Do you trust me?"

"Yes, I trust you."

He took my hand in his and led me down to where the thick, plaid blanket was neatly sprawled out on the sand. He motioned me to take a seat before joining me.

"You used to love the water. And if it wasn't for me, you wouldn't be so afraid of it."

I had to take deep breaths, so I didn't panic. It was easier to dissociate when there was a crowd of people and loud music. It wasn't so easy now that it was just the two of us and the sound of the ocean.

For a moment, the fact that we were sitting at the beach eating sub sandwiches, chips, fruit, and enjoying a glass or two of red wine was forgotten. I was having so much fun talking and laughing with Landon. He told me more about his family and I told him about mine.

"Your family sounds great," he says with a laugh. Sadness flashes in his eyes before disappearing again.

My own laughter dies down. "Speaking of which, how's your dad?"

"Not great. My parents are officially getting divorced, and he still won't get help." He sighed.

"I'm sorry." I placed my hand over his.

"Nah, it's cool." He put on a smile, quick to change the subject. I watched him rise to his feet. "Come on," he said, offering a hand. "No more talk of such depressing shit. I want to get in the water."

I shake my head, looking up at him as he removes the baggy light gray tee he's wearing. The thought of being anywhere near that water makes me want to hurl.

"Let's go, freckles." His shorts are the next to go. "You never back down from a challenge. Especially one from me."

That was true. But this was different. He was expecting me to face my fears, and I just didn't think I was ready for something like that.

He crouches down in front of me, staring deeply in my eyes. "I won't let anything happen to you. I swear." His cornflower eyes held enough conviction for me to consider it, and eventually, take him up on the challenge.

He grinned and pulled me up onto my feet. "That's my girl." I took off my blouse and shorts, leaving my black bra and panty set on underneath.

I gave him a wary smile as we slowly made our way towards the ocean. That feeling in my chest -the one that feels like vines wrapping around my heart and constricting my air- returned.

"Deep breaths, baby," Landon whispered.

I felt like a child learning how to walk. One foot in front of the other. Left. Right. Left. Right. We stopped just inches away from the shoreline. And when it reached my toes, I gasped at the cold sensation.

"Do you want to keep going?"

I looked over at Landon and nodded. He didn't let go of my hand as we walked further into the ocean. Shivering, I used my other hand to cling to his arm. His body heat was comforting.

We took baby steps. And each time I'd overcome a step, he'd praise me and check to see if I was okay with moving forward.

"How are you feeling?"

The water was up to my shoulders now. "Good," I admitted. "I feel good."

Landon grasped my hips, holding me against him. "Do you think you can handle a back float?"

"No. Yes. Maybe?"

His hand slid up to my back, and my breath hitched. "I got you," he said softly. "I won't let you drown."

I had no reason not to believe him. After all, he's saved me twice from drowning. Granted, he had been the reason I ended up in the water in the first place.

Stretching and holding my arms out, I leaned back slowly. I internally panicked when I couldn't feel the sand and rocks beneath my feet. Landon kept his hand firmly on my back while the other held my legs up.

"Relax, Harper. You're okay."

Landon's soothing voice helped a lot. It calmed me. I felt safe and reassured. Once I got my breathing under control, I smiled, feeling proud of myself.

"Oh my gosh. I'm actually doing it."

It's been so long since I've been able to fully experience the water like this. It was nice. Peaceful. I closed my eyes.

"See, I told you I got you."

My eyes slowly flutter open. I wasn't ready to start swimming, but we were definitely heading in the right direction.

I was relieved when I felt all the sand, rocks, and seashells beneath my feet again. Throwing my arms around Landon, I thanked him for pushing me to get back in the water.

He kissed my neck, and I wrapped my arms around him. I was carried out of the water, Landon's growing erection twitching against my stomach. I laid on my back, appreciating the softness and dryness of the blanket against my wet skin.

"I'm proud of you, freckles."

"Thank you, frat boy." I kissed him, and we began a passionate makeup session that consisted of our hands roaming each other's bodies. I stuck my hand down his underwear, cupping his firm ass.

We were lucky enough to be in a spot away from other beach goers. Still, we could get caught at any moment. That knowledge should have been enough to stop me, but it actually turned me on.

Landon reached for his shorts, pulling out a condom. Then he tore it open and reached down in between us to roll the glove on.

When he entered me full force, my nails dug into his back, and a mewl spilled past my lips.

Landon stilled. "Shit. You keep moaning like that, and this is going to end before it even begins."

Heat crept onto my cheeks, and I bit my lip. "I can't help it," I mumbled.

"Oh, I know, baby," he said with a rasp. He kissed the corner of my mouth and slowly thrusted in and out of me.

I couldn't hold back the sounds Landon was fucking out of me. So he covered my mouth. And then he started to pound into me harder. He was greedy. Starved.

He whimpered in my ear, and that's when I knew he wasn't going to be able to hold out much longer. "Baby," he moaned. "I'm going to come."

He gathered up enough strength for another deep stroke before he and I exploded with pleasure. I held on to him, thankful that his hand was still on my mouth because I couldn't hold back even if I tried.

Lifting his head, he looked down at me. I kissed his jaw. His breath fanned my face with every pant before he collapsed beside me.

I snuggled closer to him, looking up at the stars in the sky. "Wow."


"My freckles do look like constellations."

I never really noticed that until now. I pointed at the big dipper and the little dipper next to it. I don't know how long we had been out here for us not to notice the sun had set, but neither of us was in a hurry to leave.

We spent the next few hours talking about the stars and making love under them. Everything about it was perfect. The stars. Landon. How beautiful Landon looked under the stars. Everything.

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