Chapter 19

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Landon's POV
I stuffed my bag in the overhead compartment and sat in the middle seat next to my mom.

She pushed her sunglasses up onto her head. The dark heavy bags under her eyes are revealed, indicating the lack of sleep she's gotten. She wasn't looking forward to this trip. Neither was I, but there's no telling when my dad will be back.

After that night, when I poured my heart out and my mom listened, she told me what happened with her and my dad. They got into an argument about his drinking. My mom was fed up and threatened divorce if he didn't get help.

He refused, and she left.

Now we're heading back in the hopes that my dad will listen to me about going to rehab. I don't know why my mom thinks I'll somehow be the reason my dad decides to change. He's never given a fuck about me unless it involves his precious Lacrosse.

I grabbed my mom's hand, trying to comfort her. "It's going to be okay, mom."

A tight-lipped smile was all she could give me. Exhausted, she looked out the window and eventually drifted off to sleep. I draped my Lacrosse letterman jacket over her and sighed.

She was nervous. Despite everything her and my dad have gone through, she still loves him. And while I'd given up hope a long time ago, she still believes he can be the man she fell in love with again.

My attention is drawn to the front at the sound of a familiar voice. My eyes scan the crowd and then I see her. Green eyes. Curly black hair. Freckles.

She locks eyes with me, heading straight in my direction. Briefly glancing over at my sleeping mom, I do my best not to cause a scene.

Harper plops down in the open seat beside me. "What the hell are you doing here?" I whisper yell, her presence, her scent, the entirety of her bringing every emotion I felt towards her back to the surface.

How did she even know I was leaving for New York? And then it clicks. Those fuckers.

"I'm coming with you."

"Like hell you are," I growl. "Get the fuck off the plane."

She turns her upper body to look at me. "You don't tell me what to do."

I catch a hint of amusement in her eyes. She'd said those exact words the night at the party. The night I'd almost kissed her. Almost fucked her. "Harper, I'm being serious. Go."


"I'm not in the mood for your shit."

"That's fine." She sits back, putting on her seatbelt and making herself comfortable. "But I'm not leaving so suck it the fuck up, frat boy."

My eyes roll. I'm more annoyed than angry. I didn't have time for any of this. Even if I wanted to, it's not like I could drag her off this plane. And it's too late anyway. The flight attendant was already going over the pre-flight announcements.

Which meant I was stuck with her.


The flight to New York is five hours. Harper hasn't said a word in the two hours we've been on the plane. She's been listening to music the entire time.

I don't know what her plan is. I've been trying to figure out why she's even here. To torment me from the last argument we had? I'd basically called her a slut and told her I didn't care about her.

I know I hurt her feelings. That was my intention. Hurt her for hurting me. So why is she sitting here bobbing her head like nothing happenend?

Another hour goes by. She's fallen asleep. Her head is on my shoulder. I haven't moved. For some reason, I'm afraid to wake her. She looks... comfortable.

I hear my mom shift beside me. Then she's unexpectedly placing my jacket on Harper. "Mom, what are you doing?" I whisper in frustration.

"That's Harper, right? The one you told me about?"

"Yes, but-"

"Shh," she interrupts. "Let her sleep."

My eyes narrow in suspicion. My mom has this knowing look on her face and I'm starting to think she wasn't as sleep as I thought she was. She knows Harper's not supposed to be here on this flight to New York with us.


Harper's POV
I don't know how long I was out, but when I awake, we've landed. Lifting my head from Landon's shoulder, heat blossoms on my face. I'd accidentally fallen asleep on him.

Something heavy and warm falls off my lap. I realize it's Landon's Lacrosse jacket and find myself looking at him again.

"Don't get your hopes up, freckles," he says, somehow reading my mind. "My mom did that."

"Oh," I murmur, handing him his jacket back.

His mom, a beautiful dark haired woman with eyes like his, smiles at me. "Hey, Harper," she greets happily.

"Hi," I say, smiling and wondering how she knows my name. Did Landon tell her about me? No, he wouldn't have. Right? I mean she probably learned who I was after finding me passed out and drooling all over her son's shoulder.

When it comes our turn, I grab my purse from up under the seat in front of me and step out into the aisle.

I wasn't exactly thinking when I ran onto this plane looking for Landon. I just knew that if I didn't see him again, I'd lose my chance of him ever forgiving me for what happened with Kai. And lose my chance of telling him how I feel.

Now, because I had been quite literally running on feelings, all I have is my purse and my phone for the next few days. That is, if Landon doesn't slingshot me back to California as soon as we step foot off this plane.

Once we're out of the airport and into the lively streets of New York city, I prepare myself for the worst. For Landon to kick me to the curb and demand I go back home.

But the worst never comes.

While their driver helps put Mrs. Avery's bags in the trunk of their car, Landon opens the door to the backseat for me. "Get in."


I guess coming off a five hour flight to a three hour time difference between California and New York has taken a toll on him, because he says, "I'm too tired to argue with you."

I have to swallow the excitement trying to escape me. It feels so weird. I'd normally dread the idea of being around Landon. But now I'm looking forward to it.

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