Chapter 13

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Landon's POV
It was a joke. I was just playing. I didn't know she couldn't swim until I saw her sinking to the bottom, struggling to come up for air.

I dove back underwater and grabbed her. Pulling her up and out of the water, I tried not to panic at the sight of her unconscious in my arms.

She was pale. Her normally tinted rosy red cheeks are drained of all color and her pink lips are turning blue. People surround me, including the owner of the house, who's name I can't remember nor care to at the moment.

Everyone's silent, scared, and internally freaking the fuck out. But not as much as me. "Harper," I say, gently shaking her. She doesn't respond. My chest tightens.

I check to make sure she's still breating. Relief washes over me, but it doesn't last long. She's still unconscious. Moving her hair out of the way, I lean down and press my lips to hers. I force air into her mouth.

My heart is pounding. When she still doesn't respond, I get ready to do compressions. I got certified for CPR last semester but can't seem to remember none of the shit I was taught. I'm drawing a blank, worried out of my fucking mind for Harper.

My hands are positioned at the center of her chest. I count in my head, pressing down on her chest hard and fast, two times per second. Then I lean down to force more air into her, and repeat the cycle.

After what feels like an eternity, I hear her cough and sputter. I gently turn her head to the side, sighing deeply out of relief when she opens her eyes.

Those enchanting green eyes land on me. Realization crosses her features and then she's shoving me out of the way.

Her friend swoops in to check in on her, telling her she should sit and wait to have a medical physician take a look at her.

Harper refuses, determined to get as far away from me as possible. Had this been any other day under a different circumstance, I would have been glad to see her leave.

But this was different.

I didn't like the feeling that sat in my chest. It was heavy and made it hard to breathe. That little voice in my head kept telling me I fucked up, the guilt weighing heavily on me.

"Harper," I call, trying to get her attention. She walks fast as hell for someone her height. "Damn it, Harper. Would you stop walking so fucking fast?"

She flips me off, shouting, "Fuck you, Landon!"

"I didn't know," I shout back. "I would not have done that to you had I known."

She stops in the middle of the road, half way to her car as she whips around to face me. She's visibly pissed, but it doesn't bring a smile to my face like it usually does.

Tears flood her eyes, a stray tear escaping and rolling down her cheeks. It catches me off guard. I've never seen her cry before.

"You motherfucker!" She says with a sob. Her hands ball into tight fists. She wants to hit me. I can tell. "You're the reason I hate the water!"

"What are you talking about?"

Her voice softens, sounding pained. My chest tightens even more. "You seriously don't remember?" She scoffs. "Of course you don't. You were always too busy living the frat life and fighting with my brother to give a fuck about anyone but yourself."

I genuinely did not know what she was talking about. And I hated it, because it clearly hurt her.

She fished her phone out of her purse. After tapping away on her phone, she pressed play on some video and turned the phone around to show me.

And there I was, shoving her into the pool. Eric, one of my teammates had bumped into me. I didn't know Harper was behind me. Everyone at that party was laughing and recording the whole thing. I forgot all about that.


"Now you remember?" She dropped her phone back into her purse, trying not to cry any more than she already had in front of me. "And do you remember what you said when you saw me again?"

I honestly should have let your undeserving ass drown. I'd have one less annoying Isaacs to deal with.

It all came back to me now. I was going through a lot of shit then. I still am. Though it doesn't excuse my actions.

"I didn't think I could hate you any more than I already do." She started to laugh. "And to think- to think we could actually get along for once? What bullshit."

I don't know why, but her words stung like hell.

"That's not fair Harper, and you know it. You never actually gave me a chance. You're brother-"

"Here you go again making it all about you. You're jealous. You're jealous because my brother was always better than you. And your puny little brain just can't seem to accept the fact that you will always be second."

That infuriated me. My own hands balled into fists so tight, my nails dug into my palm. "Watch what the fuck you say," I growl.

"Or what, frat boy? It's not my fault you can't handle the truth."

I took a step towards her. We were inches from each other. She smelled of alcohol and chlorine. But so did I.

She stood her ground, as expected, looking up at me with those blazing green eyes. And I couldn't help but notice how her breathing had changed.

"I really can't fucking stand you. Even as you stand there, telling me how much you hate me, and I you, I still can't leave you alone. For whatever fucking reason, the universe is determined to punish me."

"That sounds like a you problem."

The more she opened her mouth, the more she angered me. She always knows how to piss me off. More so than her brother did.

My eyes fall to her lips. "That mouth of yours is going to get you into some serious fucking trouble, freckles."

"I've never been afraid of trouble."

I bit my lip. Why the hell did I want to kiss her right now? I was furious with her. She just told me that I would always be inferior to her brother. And still, I want to know what her lips taste like.

"Walk away, Harper." It comes out like a threat.


"I'm serious."

My dick is so hard, breathing hurts. This urge to fuck her brains out was forgein. It wasn't there a moment ago. Or has it been there the whole time? I really don't fucking know. I can hardly think straight.

I can't stop the constant flood of filthy fucking thoughts running through my head. Harper's lips on mine. Harper naked in my bed. Harper looking down at me with those eyes while I devour her pussy. Harper... Fuck, why is this happening to me? I hate her. Just like her brother, she was a pestilent fly.

"You don't tell me what to do."

Fucking hell, why is she making this so hard?

Fortunately, before I do something I may or may not regret, her friends rolls down the window and calls for her.

Harper's eyes stay on me for just a bit longer. There's so much longing in them. She wants something from me. Perhaps it's the same thing I'm craving from her.

"Go," I manage to get out in a strained voice.

Reality seems to hit her, and like a flip of a switch, that look in her eyes is replaced with confusion. She backs away before getting in the passenger's seat of the car.

A shaky breath leaves my lips as I watch them speed off down the road. I almost fucked her, my brain finally realizes. I almost fucked Harper Isaacs right here in the middle of the street.

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