4| One Step Closer

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Ray stared at Sam with wide eyes while she patiently waited for his answer

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Ray stared at Sam with wide eyes while she patiently waited for his answer. He parted his lips, but just air came out as he breathed loudly.

"Ray," she pleaded. "Where is he?"

The beeping sound increased and irritated Sam tremendously. She took the pulse tracker from her right index finger and threw it to the side of the bed. The action felt useless as the monitor beeped with no interruption, and that just annoyed her more. Sam's eyesight shifted from Raymond to a glass door as a woman with deep blue scrubs burst into the room. Ray looked at the woman.

"She is fine." He stood, lifting his palm in front of his chest defensively.

"I told you to avoid sitting." The woman stepped toward the bed and took the tracker in her hand. "You can't take this off." She stared at Sam, putting the scanner back on her finger. "Why has no one informed me she is awake?" The woman glanced at Ray.

He shrank his shoulder, holding hands in the front pocket of his pants. The nurse pushed buttons on the monitor holding her eyebrows in a furrow. She squinted her eyes and seemed very concentrated on the blue light pouring out of the white box.

"Everything seems normal," She glanced at Sam. "How are you feeling, Miss Morris?"

"Well," Sam gulped. "let's say, decent." The right corner of the nurse's thin lips lifted into a crooked smile.

"You should get some rest, the police will be here tomorrow morning," the nurse explained.

"Police?" Sam's eyebrows bounced up.

"It's protocol after the shooting, regardless of the outcome."

Samantha glanced at Ray as he stood with his right hand in his jeans pockets. His left hand rested on the backrest of the chair. His head hung low and she couldn't read his facial expression.

"Keep your heart rate steady, Miss Morris, or I will have to give you sedatives." She looked at Ray. "Mister Lawrence, please keep standing or lying positions as I told you before you can't sit because you might rip your stitches and I will have to fix you again."

"Stitches?" Sam asked, looking at Ray.

The nurse glanced at the pair and soon left the room. Ray came closer and Sam's heartbeats rose again. She felt dizzy and nausea didn't leave her as she gulped the air.

"It's fine, love," He sat on the side of the bed. "It's just a scratch."

"Let me see." She tried to lift herself from the bed and soon realized it was a bad idea. Samantha lay back down and turned her head toward Raymond. "What happened after he shot me?"

"We don't have to talk about this now," He caressed her hand. "You heard the nurse, you need to rest, love."

"You know I won't give up until you tell me," Sam said, and Ray slightly nodded a couple of times. "You met them." Sam blurted out before he had a chance to reply.

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