12| Mad World

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Birth is commonly celebrated and many people mark the occasion with joy

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

Birth is commonly celebrated and many people mark the occasion with joy. From the moment someone is born till the day they die, they celebrate their birthday each year. 1996 December fourth was a joyous occasion in the Morris family, or so Samantha thought. As she stared at Melissa's grainy photography it brought her doubts since Melissa died the same day Sam was born.

"Hey," Molly said, snapping her finger in front of Sam's eyes.

Samantha continued to stare at the image, ignoring her friend's attention-seeking actions. The similarity between Sam and Melissa was truly uncanny as Molly mentioned. As Samantha lowered her eyes to inspect the photo furthermore, she noticed so many details between the two of them.

Melissa's hair was tied in a messy half-up-half-down hairdo, it was hard to determine the color since the photo wasn't too clear. But the small freckle type of birthmark on her cheek held the same placement as Sam's, they seemingly had the same nose shape as well.

"Sam, we need to go," Molly once again snapped her fingers. "Don't tell me you reading that reincarnation nonsense."

"No," Sam said, she noticed the article title but stayed focused on the similarities she shared with her almost aunt. "It's just so strange I've never seen her photo before, nor my parents ever talked about her, and she died on my birthday."

"You stared enough, and we still haven't covered the part about your book," Molly said, grabbing her phone from Sam's hands.

"Hey, I didn't even read the article!"

"So what were you doing all this time?"

"What time?"

"While I was in the bathroom," Molly lifted her eyebrow. Samantha didn't have to reply, Molly probably knew the answer and Sam's habit of tunning out people.

"Right," Sam hesitantly agreed. "What about the book?" She changed the subject, standing up from the chair.

The girls moved between the tables and soon left the cafe. The city sounds hit Sam colliding with the hurricane emotions she felt. She followed Molly in a haze, barely missing a collision with passing people. Molly's voice blended with the traffic sound and Sam tried to catch up with her friend by fastening her steps but her feet felt like wood.

"Are you okay?" Molly asked, stopping in front of the shop door.

It took a few moments for Sam to catch up and she felt out of breath as she halted alongside her best friend. Samantha wasn't sure if the heat was getting to her or if the lack of physical activities finally caught up with her.

"You were just walking so fast," she replied with a deep sigh. "I couldn't hear what you were saying."

"You asked about your book, so there is a book online with your name at the start of the story," Molly said opening the glass door to the shop. "Since you don't even share the book with me I guess someone used your name to get attention."

"Did you read this book?"

"Some of it, yes, just to see why people think it's yours," Molly replied as they moved further.

The establishment held bright and calm as hushed music filled the space. The shop was not too busy as just a few people browsed the merchandise, and the girls moved toward the end of the store. There stood a few mannequins' legs covered in various types of socks. More stockings hung on the racks and some lay folded on the shelves.

"Well as you just said I don't share my book yet, I finished the first draft but it needs way more work until I can share it with anyone. About what is that book?"

"The premise is about the detective trying to figure out a murder case, a girl shot a guy in self-defense and I think that guy stalked her."

A ringing in Sam's ears appeared and her heart hammered against her ribcage. She couldn't speak as a huge lump formed in her throat.

"That is what I am working on," Sam said, gulping. "The detective is a woman, right?" Molly nodded, staring at Sam. "And the story is based in New York?" Molly once again nodded, widening her eyes. "Someone leaked my book. But how?"

"Scott?" Molly asked, lowering her gaze.

"What would be the point for him?"

"As revenge I guess," Molly said, and moved closer to the shelves. "What color of socks do you want?" she asked, clearly trying to change the subject.

Sam scanned the mannequin legs, seeing some colorful and daring choices. But decided to stick with her style after seeing black socks with laced rims.

"Those," Sam pointed to the stockings. "Months of work, now wasted, I can't possibly publish my book now."

"You still can," Molly said. "You said it needs more work so change stuff and it won't be the same book."

"Not sure if any publisher will see that way, Molly," Sam said, browsing through packages of socks.

"Marcy will or your dad," Molly said grabbing Sam's elbow. Sam rolled her eyes. "You can use the connections you have to achieve something you want."

"I want to do it on my own," Sam said, carrying the packed socks to the cashier's stall.

"Well you can publish yourself, it's not like you don't have funds for it," Molly mumbled the last part, following Sam.

Sam of course thought about just publishing the book on her own but she never wanted that, in a way she searched for recognition and not just having her book out there. For her, it meant more if someone would want to publish her book. As she paid for socks and they left the shop, Sam thought about how she could explain to Molly what her book meant to her but failed to find the right words.

Molly never understood Sam's need to be her own person and not just carry Morris's last name, she was proud of her family and their achievements but she yearned to be recognized for something she accomplished without her family's involvement.

Soon the girls stood on the sidewalk once again. Sam looked around and as she took out her phone, the sound of the V8 engine nearby muffled the rest of the sounds on the street. Ray bent, looking through the driver's side window, and looked at the girls a wide smile adorned his face. His smile soon vanished as he observed Sam's horror-stricken face.

 His smile soon vanished as he observed Sam's horror-stricken face

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.
The Reckless Conclusion [On Hold]Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα