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There WILL be typos, i don't usually go back and edit chapters. If you see a mistake. No you didn't.

Bia POV:

 I sat in my room stretching. It's been a few days since I had that talk with yooni and the guys in the kitchen.  I've eased up on my aggression towards matthew.  He's still been annoyed with me though. 

Yesterday was different though. I made sure to limit my talks with Xavier. so i could keep focused but during out workouts Matthew was so distracted. I tired to get him to talk to me about it and he kinda brushed me off.  I'm not mad about it.. I'd do the same thing to him. 

It was just weird seeing him so out of his element i guess. 


Ben: so lemme get this straight, yo step brother hits you up after magically getting your phone number and tells you that your mom wants to visit your school? 

I nodded my head. I was downstairs eating lunch with the guys. Me and bia went on a run this morning then did a few drops. 

Yooni: He obviously got the number from your mom. 

Chris: And you say this is the same guy that stole the shipment you and bia staked out?

I nodded again. 

Ben: the same guy who was best friends with the person who tried to betray bia....

I nodded.....again.

Chris: why haven't you told her all this? Like i know your mom wanting to visit is recent... but what about you knowing rin?

Me: Because she wont trust me if i tell her....

Yooni: Dude she doesn't trust anyone. she barely trusts you now... thats just who she is. She'll get over it. Plus you had absolutely nothing to do with that. 

Me: Yea, but the way i brought him up in our moment and disrespected her.... I-

Yooni: Have you apologized?

I nodded

Yooni: Good thats all you can do. Tell her everything and move on from there. You're a good kid. You and her both didn't deserve the things yall went thru. My dad has faith in you both. If you guys stopped your childish bickering you'd make a great team. I wish you could have seen how close your dad was to her mom. They were the best of friends... And sometimes, i have hope that you two could turn out that way as well. 

I sat back just soaking up his words. then chris spoke up.

Chris: Okay so! what are we going to do about his mom wanting to visit him?

Bia POV:

I sat on the bottom of the stairs shocked by everything i was hearing. I was originally just coming down for a snack. but this.....

this was a lot to take in. I walked back up stairs to go wash my face. 

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