Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Driving away from Hasting's House, Emily felt a sense of relief. She had only been there two days, and though she had hoped for an improvement in her mood, it had not happened yet. With more time, it would.

As she drove along the winding country road, she noticed a pretty store at the side of the highway—Gordan's Country Market—so Emily pulled into its overflowing parking lot and went inside.

A tantalizing aroma of freshly cut flowers surrounded her as soon as she stepped through the open doors. There were buckets full of colorful blossoms resting on the windowsills. Taking a basket in hand, Emily chose some red carnations and white and yellow daisies to brighten up her room decor, even though Hastings House had its own garden that she had yet to explore.

Flowers always cheered Emily up, and these would be no different.

Emily entered the bustling store that looked like it had been there since the 1930s or 1940s. The building was charming, covered in white aluminum siding and large windows with bright red shutters. A couple of older adults , sitting on the benches outside, sent her a warm smile when she passed them. She recognized their faces – they reminded her of her grandparents, whom she had not seen for an extended period.

Soft country music played from the speakers at the front. Emily noticed a sign above the blue Formica counter reading,

Fresh fudge and cookies ready to devour!

She followed her nose toward the candy section.

Sample cups of blond fudge and chocolate chip cookies, lined up in rows, were calling out her name.

Emily could not resist taking a bite out of one. The sweet butter and cocoa melted in her mouth, making her eyes roll in pleasure.

"Pretty good, huh?" a female voice behind her said.

Emily turned and saw a pretty young woman with the reddest hair she had ever seen and tons of freckles all over her face and arms. She was lovely, and her green eyes flashed with warmth and kindness. She was Merida from the Disney Movie Brave brought to life!Emily smiled back

"Yes, it is perfect!" Emily replied.

The young woman stepped out from behind a stack of boxes filled with chips and other snacks in the center of the store. She had the most genuine smile and held a box cutter in one hand and a box cut down in the other.

"We are running a special buy one, get one for free deal!" she said enthusiastically. Emily smiled.

"Well then, I will take advantage of that deal."

Clarrisa walked over to her and patted her on the right shoulder.

"Hang right there."

She said in a sweet southern accent and put down the box and cutter. She went behind the counter and grabbed two boxes.

Clarrisa stood before a glass cabinet displaying the sweets and slid the door back to access the cookies and fudge.

"What is your pleasure?! We have blond fudge, Maple walnut fudge, and my personal favorite, California Walnut fudge. For cookies, we have Chocolate chips, sugar, and." She leaned back in the cabinet and pulled out a tray. "And my mom's famous Peanut Butter cookies."

It all sounded so good to Emily, but she chose a box of blond Fudge and Peanut Butter Cookies.

"I'll wrap these up for you." Clarrisa offered.

Emily stood and watched her work. Clarrisa carefully placed the fudge and cookies in boxes and then sealed them with some tape. She looked up and handed the boxes to Emily. She wiped her hands on a red gingham apron tied around her slender waist, and Emily noticed her bright red tennis shoes. Red must be her favorite color, she ascertained.

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