Chapter 23

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Copyright © 2023 by – Brynn Morgan – All Rights Reserved.

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Chapter 23

Lainie, Davis, and Emily sat at the table after Bella was in bed and listened to Hillary's entire recording. Cold chills covered Emily's body as Hillary talked about her encounter with the girl and how she reached her in New Zealand. The fact that she was now zeroing in on Hillary's young daughter was terrifying. You could hear the fear and dread in her voice. The girl had tortured her for so long.

"What has made Penelope so angry that she has gone on a killing rampage for centuries?" Lainie asked.

Davis sipped a beer and sighed, running long fingers through his black hair. He sat the can down on the table and looked at them. "What would make you come back?".

Emily sighed and looked toward the living room. "Being wronged in life or being murdered. I would come back seeking vengeance, no doubt," she said.

A rumble of thunder sounded in the distance, startling them all.

"So, you have permission from Hillary to enter Hastings and investigate the room?" Davis asked. Lainie and Emily nodded. "Did you not say that you could not even get close to the door because you got so sick?" he asked, concerned for Emily.

She nodded in response. "Yes. I had the worst nausea to hit me. I was so sick, but the second I turned and walked away from the door, I immediately started to feel the nausea dissipating. It was strange." Emily said, remembering.

Lainie began searching on Google for spirits, causing nausea.

She had a dark look on her face. "Listen to this," she said and began reading an article she had found online. "This is from Father Edward Mays in 1922 in Devonshire, England," she said.

"A horrible smell was coming from the basement of the old farmhouse that we went to investigate. The smell was overpowering, and I had to cover my mouth and nose to enter the haunted sight. Once I had entered the location, extreme nausea overtook me, and I had to get out. The cause for this is that the evil entity had passed there, and it was in a very violent manner. I could not return, even at the legacy of the family who pleaded for us to return and perform an exorcism." he wrote.

Emily stood up and paced back and forth across the room with her hands tucked into the back pockets of her jeans. "This sounds serious and like we are biting off more than we can chew." She said, stressed. "I do not know anything about this, and neither do you. Lainie and I will waltz in there tomorrow like Ghost Hunters Halfcocked. What if it backfires on us? she asked worriedly. "What if one of us dies?"

"I am not letting y'all walk in there alone. Someone will have to break down the door." Davis informed them with a grin.

Emily and Lainie were grateful to hear that. They needed all the help they could get.

"I have thought about asking Clarrisa to join us, but I don't know if she would want to," Lainie said.

Emily thought asking Clarrisa to join them would be a clever idea. She radiated positivity and light and could bring a peaceful aura to the house. "I don't think that is a bad idea, Lainie. I think it could be a clever idea," Emily said.

Lainie walked away from the group and dialed Clarrisa's number. She answered on the third ring. "Hey, Clarrisa. It's Lainie."

"I know. I have you saved as a contact now. What's up? "Clarrisa asked.

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