Chapter 11

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Brynn Morgan

Copyright © 2023 by – Brynn Morgan – All Rights Reserved.
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Chapter 11

Present Day

Emily woke up to the sound of horses neighing and birds chirping outside of the window. She stretched like a lazy cat in Bella's bed, and for a moment, Emily enjoyed the feel of the cotton sheets against her skin and the thickness of the down comforter. But as always, reality crept back in with a rush, and she remembered the loss of Luke, Isla, and her son. They were dead. Emily was alive. She wanted to die.

When Emily went to bed last night, she was convinced that it would be best for her to leave Hastings House and find something else, but in the morning light, things looked different, and Emily remembered that she had signed a contract and did not know how legal and binding that it would be. Emily could be sued for breach of contract.

It was not as bad as it seemed, she thought. It was a house, and there was nothing terrible there. Emily was making more out of it than it was. She picked up her charged phone and dialed Amori's number. It immediately went to voicemail. Emily waited for the beep.

"Hey, it is Amori. Leave your name and number, and I will get back to you soon. Your call is important to me." Her southern accent was exaggerated.

Emily did not leave a message and ended the call.

Just then, there was a soft knock on the door.

"Yes," Emily said.

"Morning." It was Lainie.

Emily walked over to the door and opened it. Lainie smiled at her, wearing her yellow pj's, and her short dark hair had a red headband holding back her bangs from her forehead.

Lainie had a couple of turquoise towels in her arms, a washcloth, a bottle of shampoo, conditioner, and body wash in one.

"I thought that you might need these," she said.

Emily took the items from her gratefully.

"Thank you so much," Emily said.

Lainie patted her on the shoulder.

"No problem at all. Davis went into town this morning, and he is coming back with Biscuitville for breakfast, so do not take too long," she said with a wink and left the room, softly shutting the door behind her.

Emily took a much-needed hot shower, dressed, and put her wet red hair in a loose bun. She exited the room and went downstairs. Emilu heard lively conversation coming from the kitchen. The kitchen was lovely, with white shiplap walls, light gray wood floors, white granite counters, and a long island in the center made of butcher block. It was a very modern kitchen with floating shelves and two large windows over the sink overlooking the stables and horses.
There were three round large copper fixtures hung over the island with Amber Glow Edison bulbs that created a Hygge effect. It was a very warm and welcoming space.

Davis, Lainie, and Bella looked up from the biscuit bags and smiled at Emily. Davis beckoned Emily over with his hand.

"Come on and get you some breakfast!" His deep voice boomed.

He wore the same John Deere hat, white crew-necked t-shirt, and Wrangler jeans with his trusty brown work boots. He had to be at least six foot four or more. He was one tall drink of water, that was for sure. He reminded her a lot of Luke. He had an exceedingly kind demeanor.

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