chapter five

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The blanket door opened and I flinched and blushed bright red. Kevin stood just inside the room, his eyes on our position. I am being held on Alpha Jason’s lap with a bright red face. Our arms wrapped around each other like we are lovers.

Kevin cleared his throat. “I can come back later.” He said quickly and turned to leave.

“No. Stay for a moment.” Jason smiled down at me before looking back up to a grinning Kevin. “Welcome the newest member of our little pack. Marilyn.”

Kevin kept his grin and bowed. “Welcome to the pack, Marilyn. I’m happy to help you in any way. My mate Gina will bring food and clothes soon.”

I nodded and leaned closer to Alpha Jason. Not sure what to say. The blush on my face growing hotter. I squirmed as I am suddenly lifted from my position and set gently on the pallets at Jason’s side. I quickly put my hands in my lap. My eyes moving down to stare at my hands. My eyes traced the spider webs of scars that ran over the back of each hand. An awful reminder of the punishments of my childhood.

Kevin spoke softy. “Alpha, may I have a word with you?”

I felt the warmth of his body leave and my wolf whined in my head. Jason stood and walked over to the door to stand beside Kevin.

“I’ll be close by if you need anything. Gina will return soon as well. Rest and remember you are safe here.” Jason said before both men stepped outside the door.

I let out a long sigh and slowly moved to stand. I still felt weak and my legs felt wobbly. I stood for a moment getting my balance. Once the waves of weak trimmers went away I slowly walked around the tiny room. I felt every muscle stretch. The more I moved the better I felt. I don’t need rest, I need work. I make my way to the door and peek out. The laughter from the people close by, give me goosebumps. Am I really a part of the rogue pack now? Inside the cave walls people walked back and forth helping to carry firewood to cook fires or cloth to a thatch room across the cave. Children ran from adult to adult playing tag.

Women laughed with each other. There is few men around and those that are here are very young or very old. I guess they are all hunting or gathering supplies up the mountain.

I step outside and everyone looks my way. Most of the women go back to work and some stare at me in wonder. Tia slides to a stop in front of me. Her friend not paying attention slams into her back causing them both to fall into my legs. I barely catch us all in time, taking a few steps back.
I laughed. “Hello Tia. Are you okay?”

Tia beamed up at me. “I’m okay! Oh! This is Jasmine. She’s my best friend.” She turned to a smiling Jasmine. “This is my new Aunty, MarMar!”

I knelt down and held out a hand to Jasmine. “Nice to meet you Jasmine.” I say ignoring my new nickname. It is cute so I don’t correct her.

Jasmine grabbed my hand shaking it up and down. “Next time you can play tag with us. Right now Tia wants to play heros!”

I smile. “That sounds like so much fun. I will definitely play tag with you next time.”

Both girls giggle and with a loud squeal they run from the cave to play in the sunlight. I need sunlight. I slowly make my way to the entrance of the cave. My movement still slightly sluggish. I wonder why my body is not healing quickly like normal. Is it because I have been asleep for so long? I feel my wolf push forward. With the sun out I know I won’t shift, but my eyes flash between silver and gray.

I can feel a new wave of something brush my mind. It didn’t feel the same as Alpha Jason’s. It was lighter and more delicate. I looked around me not sure of who it is trying to reach out to me. I leave the cave and walk to the brush line. My wolf relaxes and I let my eyes roam the area. The cave I just left is on the end and one of the smaller of them all. There is four total with the largest one in the middle. I sit down and look more closely.

All the caves must be connected from the inside. One woman entered the smallest cave and exited from the one I just left. The largest cave in the middle housed a large dining area, with large tables and benches. The smallest cave held rows of storage items and smoke rose from a crack in the very top.
The two middle size caves must be the housing areas. Thatch rooms lined both side of the walls in both caves. It is easy to defend and unless you are looking closely you could miss it completely. I felt that delicate wave again and I looked around once more. I don’t want to connect with anyone I don’t know.

The wave finally went away and I relaxed. I sat on a pile of leaves and my hands unconsciously shredded one after the other. I couldn’t explain why, but just looking at the caves and watching the children run from cave to cave laughing made me very happy.

I felt Jason’s connection and accepted it smoothly. “Where are you? Are you okay? Gina is looking for you and said you aren’t in our room.”

I am shocked at the amount of worry in his voice. “I am okay. I am outside watching the children play.”

“I will let her know. Are you sure you are okay? I will come to you if you need me.” He sounded relieved.

Did he think I would run away or disappear? “I am okay. I promise. I’m just outside in the sunlight.”

Jason let out a small breath. “Okay. Just let me know if you need anything.”

I giggled. “I will, and thank you for everything.”

I could feel him linger like he wanted to say something, but soon the connection faded and I suddenly felt lonely. I looked down at the pile of shredded leaves. Am I nervous or just happy? I hear foot steps approach and I look up to find Gina. Her soft smile causing me to smile back.

“I am sorry I panicked when you weren’t in your room. Are you feeling better now? No pain or dizziness?”

I shake my head. “I should have told Tia to let you know I would be out here. I needed to get some fresh air and feel the sun on my skin.”

Gina sat down beside me and stretched her legs out in front of her. “Something we all need at least a couple times a day!” She laughed. “I don’t blame you for wanting to sit out here instead of cooped up in a small box.”

I laughed. “Next time I should bring a small blanket to sit on.”

We laughed and a quiet peacefulness settled around us. The birds started singing and the children played waving at us.

Gina turned to me and her look of nervousness puzzled me. She bit her lip before talking. “We are friends right? Yeah, we are friends! There is no way we aren't.” She started nervously. “Do you think, maybe, I could connect with your link? If it’s to much to fast it’s okay. I understand. I just really would like to link you.”

I smiled. “You are my first friend and yes we can link. I am not sure exactly how it works, but I will do my best to connect.”

Gina smiled and crossed her legs in front of her. She is now facing me and her smile is so bright. “Close your eyes and you’ll feel me reaching out to you. Are you ready?”

I close my eyes and nod my head. The delicate feeling from before brushed my mind and I tried to reach for it. It felt like a string tied around a small hook and Gina’s voice entered my mind. “Can you hear me clearly?”

“I can.” I say in my head.

“Your link feels very different from others. It’s like a flower made of metal. How is that possible?” Gina asked in wonder.

I could feel her confusion. “I don’t know. Your link feels like a delicate touch and very light. This is only the second time in my life to connect with someone. Alpha Jason connected with me this morning. His feels like a tree root and very strong, but gentle.”

Gina giggled and I opened my eyes. Our connection fading. “So you’ve never linked anyone in your old pack not even your mate?” Her eyes grew wide and she dropped her eyes. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have asked that.”

I waved my hand. “It’s okay. To answer you. No. Not even him. He never marked me either. We married, but he never took the step to claim me.”

Gina looked up at me with a frown. “Did he even know he could? I don’t think your old pack is letting the members know of all the abilities that werewolves have.”

I shrugged my shoulders. “They didn’t tell me, but I also kept to myself and stayed out of the way.” I didn’t tell her it was because I wanted to avoid any more beatings than I already received daily.

Some things I don’t have to say, or don’t want to say because it brings the pain back.

Gina stretched her arms above her head. “Well your food is probably ice by now. We should head back and get you cleaned up. You need to eat more so you don’t blow away in the wind.”

We both laugh and help each other stand. We walk side by side back to the cave. I changed my clothes after a quick sponge bath. Jason not taking any chances of letting me near any kind of deep water. Gina reheated the deer stew and flat bread while I settled back into the room. The small knots in my hair where easy to brush out and I let my long brown hair fall freely around my shoulders.

The blue sun dress fit perfectly and Gina kept purring about how pretty I am. “Blue really is your color! It makes you glow like moon beams! Alpha Jason will not be able to take his eyes off of you.”

I blush. “Why would you say that?” I turn away from her to hide my grin. “He’s the Alpha.”

Gina giggled. “You don’t know this, but you are the only female he has ever let sleep in his room.” Gina clicked her tongue. “Matter of fact you are the only woman he has ever spent the night with. Ever!”

My heart stopped and when it started again I thought it would fly out of my chest. I placed a hand over it to try and slow the fast paced rhythm down.

We both jumped when Jason rushed into the room and stood over me. A look of worry and relief flashing in his eyes. He knelt down and placed a finger under my chin tilting my head up so our eyes met. His mind brushed mine and we connected instantly.

“Don’t worry me like that. I can feel you from across the river. Are you okay?” His eyes roamed my face and lingered on my lips before traveling my body. His breathing changed from relaxed to a tight controlled rhythm.

“I’m okay I promise. We where just talking and I got a little excited. I’m sorry.” I say back my eyes glued to him.

We never seen Gina leave or hear her giggling when Kevin pulled her away from the door.

Jason moved his finger from my chin and held my cheek in his palm. “Don’t apologize.”

He cut the link quickly and leaned down slowly. He’s going to kiss me. My mind raced and I closed my eyes. I felt his breath fan my face and I tilted my head. Suddenly he pulled back and my eyes opened in confused worry. He sat back on his heels and ran a hand over his face. Did he just? I gripped the blanket beside me in one fist. Why do I feel sad that he didn’t kiss me?

I look at him a blush spreading from my head to my toes. What exactly does this mean? I still felt a weak mate bond with him, but is it strong for him? Does he even feel it?

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