chapter fourteen

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Waking up covered in sweat and screaming at the top of my lungs in a an unknown room is scary, the fact that three strange men and a large blond woman is standing over me just made it worse.

The woman reached out and held my shoulders pushing me back down to the bed. My wolf surged forward. It must be night. I feel my bones melting with the shift. I close my eyes and give my wolf full control, I don’t want it. A sharp pain stabbing my neck puts a halt to everything. My wolf whimpers and curls deep into my mind. I cough and sputter as the burn from the pain spread throughout my body.

My eyes pop open and the smallest man pulls away with a needle. A sad expression on his face. All of these people are talking through a link. I can tell by the way they are glancing between one another. My eyes are starting to burn, and my body is starting to feel heavy. I fight it, keeping my eyes open, my dry mouth wasn’t helping and I could feel my body slip into a paralyzed state.

The large woman stood up and moved to the door. “It will eventually kill her. I suggest you calm her by talking to her soon. If the wolfsbane doesn’t kill her, her wolf will.”

The smaller man nodded. “My wife speaks true my King. I will not willingly give her this treatment again.”

The two men left standing beside my bed looked at me with unreadable expressions. My eyes locked on the one in a suit. His silver eyes pressing into my soul reminded me of something. My eyes started drifting shut and I welcomed the black void.


She’s so small and pale. Her wild eyes full of pain and fear. Her screams made my blood run cold. Was I to late to save her? I felt a cold hand wrap around my heart. My eyes drift to Tyler. My Beta. He refused to leave her side and without my direct order he would have never put her down. His eyes are locked on her pale face. Could he be? Her mate died at my side and his pack would be in an uproar by now.

The beta will need to be appointed Alpha soon but I have no intention of leaving my home until my daughter is better. Getting Tyler to describe how he found her was hell by it’s self.  His anger flashed and by the end of it my anger almost got the better of me. How she is still alive and her spirit is still strong I can only be thankful.

I run a hand through my hair. This will take some time to sort out and with the dose of wolfsbane in her system she will be asleep until morning. “I’m going to my office. Come to me immediately if she awakens.” I turn to the door. “You should rest while she sleeps. This is going to take some time to fix.”

Tyler stiffened. “This is not something you can fix. She will live with this for the rest of her life. I should have never left her with that weak alpha!”

My eyes locked on Tyler’s back. “You didn’t know this would be the outcome. Don’t punish yourself for something you can’t control.” I walked out the door not giving him the chance to reply.

I know this road will be long and for the first time in my life I don’t know what to do. I feel helpless and unworthy of the title King.


I feel a hand in mine. It’s so gentle and the small gesture gave me a little peace. “Jason?” I croaked in a whisper.

The hand tensed and pulled away. My heart dropped from the loss of warmth. I struggled to open my eyes. My wolf is still buried deep and refuses to surface. A light red haze fills my vision as I try to open my heavy eyelids. My throat is dry and I can’t speak. My fingers weakly grasp the blanket and I want to cry.

Memories after memories hit me. I feel myself start to tremble and my eyes start to burn with unshed tears. My body is so weak and I feel so helpless. The hand returns to cover my fist. A very deep voice speaks in a soft tone.

“You are not alone. You are safe here.” The deep voice sounded sad and worried.

My eyes fluttered open. “Water.” I squeeze out of my dry throat.

His eyes watch me closely as he reaches for a glass on the bedside table. I try to sit up but grimace as pain lances throughout my body. He quickly set the glass down and helped me to sit up propping me up with the pillows. He again picked up the glass of water and held it to my cracked lips.

The water felt like knives as it went down. I coughed and choked on the water. “Slowly. Don’t rush. There is plenty more.” He said taking the glass from me.

We watched each other and a soft knock broke our concentration. I wanted to shrink into the pillows when the man with silver eyes walked in. He looked relieved and his face softened when our eyes met and held. My wolf slowly moved forward. I did not feel safe but I didn’t feel in danger. Something is different about these men. My wolf shows more respect and fear towards them than any other wolf I’ve ever met. I looked around the room and I held my breath.

Clean white walls lined with pictures of roses. Bookcases and a large dresser to one side beside a closed door with a gold knob. Large windows with pink curtains. Red carpet and the bed I lay on. I let out my breath the bed is large and covered in white sheets and blankets, and the white lace canopy hung around it like a cloud. Small vases of pink and red roses sat in each corner on the red wood of the corner pillars. My eyes widened and turned to the man with silver eyes.

This man is the King of Lycanthropes and I just now realized it. That must mean I am in his city. The one Jason showed me. My heart clinched as the memory of his lifeless body lay at this man’s side. Anger and hatred filled my eyes when they landed back on the King.

“You killed him!” I whispered as loud as my voice would allow.

The King shook his head. “I did not kill him. He was killed in a battle with two witches. A shame he did not survive.”

I let out a breath. I believe him. My eyes swing back to the man beside me. His hand gently holding mine. His expression, one I couldn’t read.

“Who are you? Why do you care so much about me?” I whispered again in a cracked harshness that made me flinch.

The King knelt down beside my bed and reached out to take my hand from the other man. The kings touch was gentle and warm as he studied my face. “You are my daughter. My only child, lost to me before I even knew you would exist in this world.” He bowed his head holding my hand. “Please forgive me for not finding you sooner. I loved your mother and would have made her my queen.”

I pulled my hand away and held it to my chest. My heart threatening to beat out of my chest. He said he is my father! It can’t be real! His silver eyes met mine and deep inside I knew. My wolf pushed forward and my gray eyes turned silver. We matched eye for eye in that moment and he smiled softly. Memories of how I grew up unfolded in my vision and I closed my eyes. The pain of being an orphan and an outsider rushed forward. It wasn’t his fault but it still left a hard feeling between us. My wolf growled in my head.

“I need to think.” I choked out.

A cough gripped me and the man sitting beside me held out the glass of water for me. I took small sips. Relieved that it felt better going down this time. I swallowed and handed the glass back to him. Not sure why I trust this man to begin with. My eyes turn to him.

His tanned skin and dark hair match his hazel eyes. “Who are you?” I said softly. My voice sounding more like mine.

“Tyler. I am Tyler your father’s Beta.” He said in his deep voice.

I could of swore he wanted to say something else. He still does but he is stopping himself. That puzzles me. Our eyes meet and my wolf pushes forward. She is interested in him. More so than anyone I’ve met. A loud crash outside the door caused me to jump and my head suddenly hurt with a ruthless pain. It feels as though flaming daggers are being pushed into my skull so slowly that it could boil my brain. The pain grows and I let out a strangled cry. I feel arms wrap around me and a blanket of darkness takes the pain away.


I can feel her emotions and I feel bits of her pain. She cannot feel anything but hurt and her senses are dulled. The wolfsbane is still in her blood and is blocking a lot of her abilities to feel emotionally and physically. It is wearing off fast and a lot faster than anyone I’ve seen.

I hold her to my chest. She fits perfectly in my arms. Her voice is heaven even in its weakened state. Angela and Steve both say she will be physically fine, her mental situation will be up to her. She is not weak, I can tell that much. I lay her back down her father covering her with the thick blanket.

“She needs rest. You need rest as well. I’ll send Angela in to sit with her.” King Lance says as we sit back.

I shake my head. “I can’t leave her alone. She might need me.”

He put a hand on my shoulder. “You won’t be of any use if you can’t hold yourself up. Go rest now, it’s an order.”

I glare at him. “Yes King!” I growl.

I leave him standing by her bed and snatch open the door. The small blond maid who crouched cleaning up a glass bowl yelped in surprise. I walked by her headed to my room not far away. King Alpha command is something even I can’t disobey. She is my mate and I will be there for her. She may not know it yet but I can already feel how strong our bond is.

I growled and threw myself on the bed. The moment I seen that filthy dog on her I lost it. I ripped his head off and tore him limb from limb. My wolf even joining me in making sure his body was completely destroyed beyond recognition. Her cries keeping me from losing total control. I cut her free and watched her empty her stomach and cry. I wrapped her in a blanket and held her until her tears stopped. I wouldn’t let anyone near her while she trembled in my arms. I will never let anyone near her again.

I closed my eyes and let sleep fall around me. Her silver eyes the only thing I can think about now. So full of pain that I vow to erase.

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