chapter eight

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The soft rustling of fabric brought me out of my deep sleep. I stretched and opened my eyes feeling the air hit my skin. I sat up pulling the blanket around myself and jumped when Gina turned to look at me.

Gina held the ripped blue dress in her hands and her wide grin told me she knew. I felt the blush spread across my face and I ducked my head trying to hide my own grin.

“So.” She held the o in excitement. “You had a good night. How was it? Are you in pain? Do you need anything?”

I couldn’t help but laugh at her. She is acting like a teenager fishing for gossip about a first date. I held the blanket tight around me.

“I. I don’t know what to wear now. No I’m not in pain.” I say looking for something to pull over my head.

One of Jason’s shirts lay folded by the pallet and I grabbed it. I pulled it on and buttoned it up. It swallowed me and fell to mid thigh. Gina’s eyes are bright and she held out her hand. The buttons laying in her palm made my blush deepen.

“Looks like I need to ask my mate to check on Alpha.” Gina giggled.

I shook my head. “No…No…It’s not…I mean…We.” I stumbled and decided to just stop trying to explain.

Gina laughed and sat down by the tray of food. “I’m just playing with you. Don’t worry I won’t say anything, but you do have a happy glow around you.”

I smiled and reached for the tray pulling it closer. I want to be a part of this pack. A good member and I need to show them all I’m willing to do just that. “Gina. Do you think I could start helping with the daily work? I think I’m all better now and I would really like to be useful and not so.” I paused to search for a better word. “Lazy.”

Gina giggled. “Well what are you good at and I can start you from there.”

I looked at the bowl of oatmeal and strawberries, my spoon held in mid air. “I’ve lived alone my whole life and I do everything well. I also learn very quickly. I am going to say that the hardest thing for me to do is meeting new people and.” I paused. “Well. Talking.”

She let out a small breath and put a finger on her chin in thought. “You can help me cook and mend clothing for now. Brenda may need help with weaving grass mats. Oh, and physical training is right after the evening meal.”

I nodded my head keeping track of the list she named off for me. I let the spoon dip into my oatmeal. I will prove myself a worthy member of this pack. No matter what I couldn’t let Jason down. He must not want to tell me what he found out because he thinks I’m still weak. I will have to show him and the pack that I am much stronger than what I look. I look down at my small weak human body and sigh. This might take a while.

Gina giggled and held up the blue dress. “I will go get something for you to wear. I don’t think you’ll be wearing this one anytime soon.” She laughed with her head tilted up. “I knew this color would make you irresistible to him. It makes you look so bright and shiny!”

I laughed with her. My mind going back to last night. I don’t think the dress played a big part, but it did hug my body well. I took a bite of my oatmeal, I felt good with my first mate, but not that good. Jason made me feel stronger waves of pleasure and I never felt anything like that until last night.

Tia took that as an opportunity to pop in the door. Her small hand holding a brush. “I brought Aunty a present!” She excitedly squealed. “Can I brush your hair? I really want to, it’s so long and soft. Please!” She held the word please until I nodded at her.

She slowly pulled the brush through my hair. The tangles pulling slightly with each stroke. For a child Tia has a very gentle touch.

With my breakfast finished and my hair brushed I sat with Tia waiting for Gina to return with a new dress.

“Does your friend Jasmine like flowers?” I asked with a total look of curiosity.

Tia tapped her chin. “I think she does, but she doesn’t like to pick them. She says they are pretty outside. She likes to find funny shaped rocks and takes those home.”

I nod. “So she collects rocks, You collect flowers, and Katie collects feathers. That’s quite the hobbies. I use to collect small pieces of ribbon. The colors reminded me of each season.”

Tia looked at me surprised. “You had a collection of ribbon? We have a lot of ribbon. Maybe we should find something else for you to collect, ribbon is to easy.”

Gina walked in and smiled at us. The bits of conversation she heard, enough to catch her up on our gossip. “Tia why don’t you run along and play, Marilyn needs to get changed.”

Tia smiled up at me before she smiled at her mom. “Yes mommy. Bye Aunty MarMar. I’ll see you later.” Tia beamed as she skipped out the door. A child filled with so much happiness made me feel so much more relaxed.

Gina handed me the soft green dress and I quickly changed. I loved the feel of his shirt on my body, but I couldn’t wear that outside of this room. I folded it and placed it back beside the pallet.

Once Gina and I made it to the cave dedicated to cooking and laundry I found out quickly I have much to learn. Gina and the women here moved so quickly and in a way that it reminded me of a trail of ants. I quickly caught on and was soon working beside Gina who gave small pointers every time I paused.

My body started to feel lighter and more relaxed. The aches from sitting around fading into the familiar stretch of hard labor. I smiled when I noticed that each plate for every member is made the same. It made me feel better that I was not getting special treatment. I smiled at each person who crossed my path, and I even spoke in short sentences to a few of the women close by us.

The work isn’t hard, it’s just a lot to get done each day. With everyone pitching in it was all done by the evening meal. Gina and two others pulled me along to the tables in the dining cave. Our plates already in hand. Everyone settled at the tables women, children, and the men. The men moved slowly, but greeted everyone with a smile.

Beta Kevin made his way to sit beside Gina. Gina who sat at my side giggled and looked across the table at the two blushing women across from us. I felt confused until a familiar warmth sat next to me. I turned to face him and blushed at his wide smile. I smiled back and turned back to my food.

Everyone around us grew quiet, and the elderly man who told the children stories, stood from his seat. “May the Moon Goddess bless this family for many years. We thank you Moon Goddess for sending us the rightful leader and the food we are about to eat. May the wind be always free and the Moon be always bright.”

The old man took his seat and Jason leaned down to whisper in my ear. “You look beautiful.”

I blushed and couldn’t hide my smile. The women across from me giggling into their hands. I pick up my fork and take a small bite of the stewed potatoes and spicy gravy. It tasted amazing and I didn’t hold back. The roasted bear meat still held its juices and melted in my mouth. I couldn’t Believe I helped the amazing women cook the delicious food in front of us.

I felt like the entire table was staring at me, I looked around seeing everyone enjoying their food. I felt Jason’s hand land on my thigh. The touch sent trimmers throughout my body. His whisper made me blush a deep red. “I want to enjoy you as much as you are enjoying your food.”

I swallowed the last of my food and took a small drink of the tea in my cup. I couldn’t say a word. My mind shut down from images of last night. My heart beat fast and I almost lost my breath.

Gina giggled beside me and I watched her eyes meet Jason’s. A few seconds later he laughed. “Fine. I’ll behave myself for now.”

I giggled and flashed a thank you smile at Gina. His hand never left my thigh and I found it very comforting.

After the meal the women cleared the plates from each table and began the dish washing line. It began with a group scrubbing the plates and forks setting them in a basket. A small group carried the baskets back and forth to the group who rinsed the dishes, and set them in a basket for another group. That group carried the clean dishes to our group who dried each dish and set them in a large wooden box until time to be used again. The process that would take a whole day only lasted an hour.

Next we all met in a small clearing away from the cave entrance. The women paired off into groups of four and two men joined each group making it groups of six total. The children all stayed in one group with two men coaching them.

The men would watch as the women sparred giving out pointers and suggestions for each defensive and offensive move. They did pushups and sit ups and ran with us. It was easy, but clear that my human body is much weaker than most. No one judged me, they all knew I was not use to training and almost died the first day here. A few even looked surprised I completed the first day of training after the morning chores.

I do feel tired and asked Gina if I could rest before we start on the evening chores.

Gina smiled. “I really am surprised you made it this far. You can take the rest of the day off. Believe me you made a big impression today, the people already admire you. Brenda worships the ground you walk on, and she usually never likes anyone so fast.”

I laugh and we walk outside the cave to the tree line. Alpha Jason and Beta Kevin already spreading a blanket on the ground. I laughed and turned to Gina. “This is your idea.”

Gina giggled. “Isn’t it nice though. Two handsome men making us women a nice place to sit and enjoy the last beautiful rays of sunlight before the full moon.”

I giggled. “You are very correct.”

I could feel my wolf stir in my chest. On a full moon I would only have small amounts of control over her. I worry she will do something to cause harm. The last thing I need is her to run back to the Forest pack and start a war. Alpha’s at full strength is much worse than witches and young vampires put together. Alpha wolves know our weaknesses and know how to get past them with triple the amount of power.

I sat down tilting my face to the sunlight. Letting it ease my mind. I must get stronger so I can rid the world of that evil man’s deeds.

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