chapter SIXTEEN

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King Lance spoke softly with venom dripping from each word. “Witch, what is it that you are hiding.”

Sarah paled. “Nothing. I’m not hiding anything.”

Marilyn sat with her eyes on Sarah. Something is off about this whole thing. She didn’t feel any better and she didn’t get to kill anyone. Her revenge was taken by another. She felt her heart beat quicken. The man who saved her and carried her out did everything she wanted to do personally. She stiffened and her eyes darted to her father.

“Where is the other one? The one who saved me? He’s not here.” Marilyn asked quietly breaking the tension in the room.

King Lance and Sarah snapped their gazes to Marilyn. “Tyler is resting in the next room.” King Lance answered in a chipped tone.

Marilyn nodded and watched the door with confusion. “I want to see him.”

Sarah let out a soft breath. “The bond is weak still?”

Marilyn sat letting her eyes wonder around the room before locking on Sarah. “Why is the bonds so weak?”

Sarah shook her head. She couldn’t tell her the truth. The bond is split into two. The bond would never be complete unless both men mark her or one of them dies. “I don’t know princess.”

King Lance stood. “You speak lies. You have never not known. I will bleed the answers from you.”

King Lance stood and grabbed Sarah by the hair dragging her to her feet. He quickly dragged her to the door where two men walked up as if they knew what he planned.

“Take her to the boardroom, I will be there shortly to get my answers.” King Lance growled. He turned to look over his shoulder at Marilyn. She looks so small and broken. He felt his heart break for her, but he made sure not to let any emotion cross his face. “Rest and we will figure out what to do when you are fully recovered.”

Marilyn felt her world shift as the door closed leaving her alone. She felt anger and pain rise inside her and she moved closer to the edge of the bed. Her feet slowly connecting to the carpet covered floor.

She grasped at the anger and held on tightly. Her one chance for revenge ended in a deep failure, leaving a bitter taste behind. Her stomach lurched and twisted. She turned every emotion into anger by blaming herself and the witch. “I was weak. I am always too weak! I can’t do anything!” Her voice sounded harsh, as she yelled at herself. “Why can’t I be strong enough to defend myself and take what is mine!”

Her eyes turned metallic silver flashed around the room, She blamed him the most. The man who took her chance at revenge. Her nails grew pointed and she lashed out at the glass water pitcher on her bedside table. The pitcher shattered sending glass and water across the room. Her injuries healed immediately and she felt her body respond with a burst of strength.

The wolfsbane is still in her system, but quickly fading. She stood and tested her legs. The white nightgown skimmed her ankles as she stepped forward. Glass crunched under her feet, and she welcomed the pain. Her eyes narrowed and she let out a growl when her door burst open.

Their eyes met and held. Silver and brown collided. His eyes slowly moved over her stopping at her feet planted in the broken glass. The smell of her blood pulled his wolf forward and his eyes flashed to a deep ruby red. He grit his teeth.

“Who are you?” She growled out feeling hostile to the weak bond that connected to him. She wouldn’t let  him get close to her. She couldn’t. He took her chance for revenge and watching two mates die left her broken. Never again would she let her heart open to someone. If Jason lives a new bond wouldn’t be possible. The witch lied and the bond to this man is proof. Marilyn felt her heart crack and felt her anger slowly fade back to that painful sadness. She growled again when he took a step closer.

Tyler stiffened and said nothing. He felt her emotions as they wavered. His next move caused her to gasp and for a moment she lost her breath. The speed he used to cross the room and pick her up seemed unreal. It was lightning fast. She didn’t even have the time to flinch. He sat her down on the bed and knelt down in front of her. Tyler lifted her feet making sure no glass is stuck in the cuts that already have started healing.

“Go away.” Marilyn hissed. “I don’t want to see you right now if ever. You took everything from me!”

Tyler looked up his deep red eyes locked onto hers. “I saved you. I had no other choice. I can not and will not let my mate suffer, when I have the right and the way of doing what needs to be done.” His deep voice vibrated the room.

She could feel the power in his voice. Jason’s voice was deep and rumbled when he spoke, but this man’s voice made Jason’s sound smaller. She felt a shiver crawl down her spine. She reached for her anger once more. “You! My mate! Impossible! It is impossible for me to have two mates at one time, let alone a third in my life!”

Tyler stood and his large body loomed over her, making her feel more fragile than she has ever felt. Her anger grew hating that feeling. She hated the weakness of her body and mind. Her fingers curled into fist and she glared daggers at him.

“You are my mate and I will never let you go. I will protect you,” He leaned down close enough to feel her breath on his face. “and I won’t be so easily killed.” His husky whisper sounded like a threat.

She shoved his shoulders trying to push him away. She only managed to push herself back, his body felt like a warm brick wall. He moved with her until she lay on her back. He held himself above her not touching her. His eyes pinned her down and her breathing quickened. Her hands rested on his chest and he held back the wave of pleasure from her touch.

“Get off of her!” King Lance Roared walking into the room. His face red with rage and his hands balled into fists.

Tyler flinched and moved away from her. He sat down beside her and watched King Lance survey the room. The broken glass and blots of blood on the floor enough to make anyone think a fight had broke out. Tyler shook his head, keeping up with Lance and explaining to him what actually happened is going to be a headache.


Jason lay on his side still unconscious,  Gina softly cried as she cleaned away the blood that spilled forth with every cough. The condition of Jason’s body is bad. Bones crushed and internal bleeding that has not yet stopped. They all feared that his death is near. With Jason hurt so bad and Marilyn missing, the entire pack felt the dark cloud of despair. No one had expected anything like this and it cut deep. Kevin blamed himself for not following Jason. Showing up late cost the pack more than anyone bargained for.

Werewolves healed fast, but this much damage seemed to be healing much more slowly. At this rate Jason might just die before his wounds heal. Kevin flinched when Jason’s body spasms with another bout of coughing. More bright red blood dripped from his mouth. Gina’s eyes locked with Kevin’s. “What can we do? I feel completely helpless.” She whispered with her tear filled eyes.

Kevin shook his head looking away from her. “Pray to the Moon Goddess that he will live. That is all we can do for him now.”

Not a single person in the pack smiled or spoke. They could only wait with worry. Their fate rested with Jason’s recovery. If he dies and Kevin takes the lead it won’t be horrible, but it won’t be the same. They each sent prayers to the Moon Goddess hoping she would hear. Soft tears and sobs the only proof that anyone still remains inside the gloomy caves.


Marilyn felt a wave of embarrassment wash over her. The effect this man had on her body is so much more powerful than Jason’s ever had. She slowly sat up letting the anger slip completely away and out of reach. Her wolf even settled down inside her and wanted to let this man in. Like this man could control everything and her wolf would be excited just to get a pat on the head. She shook her head, letting her brown hair fall around her face.

His eyes, voice, body, and aura over powered everything. Even though the bond is weak, his effect is like a full fledged bond. Shivers ran her spine as she zoned out. She should be shaking in fear and crying. She should feel dirty or broken or something other than. She held her breath. Submission. She grasped the blanket beside her. After everything she has been through. Even being tied to a bed and forced to be a. She shuttered maybe that wasn’t completely gone from her mind. She felt sick and she placed a hand over her mouth. She wouldn’t submit. She swallowed hard and grit her teeth. She would never submit, not ever again.

Tyler smiled to himself as he felt her wrestling with her emotions. She was safe from the dark side and her blood lust is dulled for the moment. The loss of control is deadly and mentally draining. Once that door is open it’s hard to close. Some don’t return and have to be killed. King Lance paced the floor as two maids cleaned the mess of glass, water, and blood. His face less red and his temper lowering with each moment. His mumbled words hard to hear with so much noise in the room. Marilyn sat dazed and distracted by her own mind and Tyler relaxed beside her watching everyone.

Marilyn stiffened and flinched. Tyler also felt a chill run down his spine. He watched her eyes widen and a look of total horror crossed her face. The bond grew strong then faded then grew stronger before fading to weak once more. It started pulsing like a heartbeat and each time it sent a wave of mixed emotions. Heartbreak, joy, heartbreak. Marilyn couldn’t breathe, her lips trembled and her eyes grew even wider. Something is wrong. She could feel it deep inside her. Her wolf howled and pushed as far forward as it could. Something is changing and then the pack bond she shared with Jason’s pack shattered. Marilyn grabbed her stomach and her body pitched forward. She screamed and hugged herself. Pain like no other ripped through her entire body. It clawed at her head and burned in every inch of her body.

Tyler held her body on the bed. His body also feeling her emotions and pain. His confusion stopping him from blocking her out completely. Lance knelt beside the bed watching in horror as she screamed and clawed at her head and body. The sun is getting low and if they didn’t stop this soon her wolf would take over. Tyler franticly tried to sooth her and help her block the pain. He felt helpless as she lost her voice. He held her pinned to the bed so she wouldn’t hurt herself.

One maid who still stood in the corner sobbed grabbing King Lance’s attention. “You! Go get water and Angela now! Quickly!”

The maid bowed and ran from the room her sobbing growing louder as she ran.

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