chapter nine

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Music filled the air. A slow soft melody. The children were put to bed early and everyone made themselves comfortable outside the cave on small blankets. The men removed their shirts and the women had on loosely fitted dresses. The new wolves awaiting their first shift sat in the center listening intently to Alpha Jason’s instructions. His shirtless body held my attention and my mind wondered over the scars that crossed his back.

The sun is almost set and the moon would soon make its appearance. I felt my wolf push forward. I felt my body stretch. My eyes changed to a deep silver and her eyes took over. They landed on Alpha Jason and I held back the urge to run over to him. I looked to Gina and her eyes met mine. The smile on her face grew and I felt pure admiration poor from her.

“Your eyes are so beautiful!” Gina said in awe.

I felt my wolf push forward again. I couldn’t be changing now it’s still daylight. I’m using all my strength to hold her back, at this rate I’ll be in a dark pit this full moon and I won’t know what happens outside. I stand and walk into the trees behind us and quickly pull the dress over my head. I let it fall to the ground and felt my insides start to melt. I’m much larger than anyone expected. I carry my dress in my mouth back to the blanket and sit watching the sun set in confusion. I look at the sky and I see it. The moon is out already. It’s full shape rising as the sun starts to throw color after color across the sky.

I didn’t notice the packs reaction to my size or the fact that I was the first to shift. I felt eyes on me from all directions and Beta Kevin’s voice made me flinch. My ears now twitching in all directions.

“You are a little bigger than last time. It’s amazing.” He said watching me from across the blanket. My wolf body now took up the entire side meant for two.

I made a quick scan of the pack and found no one who showed fear. I found that all of them held expressions of admiration and respect. Some of them just looked stunned and confused. I lay down and held my head up watching. My tail slowly swishing back and forth across the leaves. My wolf is curious and she is watching the Alpha intently. He never missed a beat in giving the instructions to the teen wolves, even when his eyes landed on my true wolf form.

He knew I am a Lycanthrope. Is that why Beta Kevin, and he are not surprised? The last of the purple turns blue and darkens as the sun completely sinks in the sky. Everyone around me disrobes and their bodies start to shift. My eyes watch the Alpha. His black fur and deep see blue eyes take form right in front of me. I stand and our noses touch at the same level. Our bodies the exact same size. My silver fur a light contrast to his midnight black coat.

The first scream of pain made me jump and my eyes watched the teenagers, who sat watching the girl who is in the process of shifting. One by one they fall in small heaps on the ground. Their screams of pain ringing throughout the mountain. The pack surround them watching closely. New shifts are dangerous and unpredictable. My control slips and I felt my wolf push for control. My tail sways in the air slowly, my ears turning in each direction. All eyes are on the teenagers and suddenly the screams stop. Silence falls around us in waves as four new pups stand in the circle of wolves. Each brown and grey in color.

They tremble with unused energy. Alpha nudges my shoulder to follow him. He turns and trots to the path leading up the mountain. I follow keeping my head even with his back leg. The pack behind us take off running with the new pups held in a tight circle. This is what we call the safe run. New wolves have a tendency to destroy and murder anything in their path and the pack safe run minimizes that. I paused and looked over my shoulder. Not at the pack who ran along the river, but at the distant clearing where the enemy is waiting for me.

I feel my wolf grab at the control I held onto so desperately. My mind growing weaker. I turn my eyes back to Alpha Jason who stood not far ahead of me on the path. His deep blue eyes watching me. I take a step forward and I feel my grip slip. She is fighting and I’m not sure how much longer I can hold on. I take off in a mad dash past Alpha. I need to get far enough away that she won’t make it back in time. Alpha must have felt my emotions and he quickly charged forward. He ran just ahead of me guiding me down the safest paths. We stop at a cliff and we stood looking down. A large city in the small valley lit up the bowl it sat in. Big buildings and large houses filled the small bowl like valley.

His mind touched mine. I let the connection flow openly between us.

“That is the Lycanthrope kingdom. We can’t get any closer. I wanted to show you this so you know how close they are.” He watched me.

My wolf settled down and watched the small city. “Do they even know I exist? I won’t leave our pack willingly. My curiosity is growing I’ll admit, but I don’t want to leave you or the pack.”

His eyes locked onto mine. “Once we take out the evil that is closest to us you will have no reason to leave.”

My wolf jumped at the chance to grab control as my grip loosened. I felt her switch to a defensive stance the hair on our neck stood and her head dropped as she spun around.

Alpha stepped up to our side. Just a few feet away on the cliff by the thick trees a large wolf head appeared it’s teeth bared. It’s low growl vibrated in the air and I felt my wolf growl in return. This wolf feels different and smells different. It’s not a regular werewolf. This is a true Lycanthrope it’s body slightly larger then mine. I felt uneasy and Alpha moved closer to me. I couldn’t let him get hurt. Not because of my wolf and her need to see blood. I fault my wolf for control, clawing at the chance to take back the control I lost. Alpha nudged me with his body and the distraction gave me the opportunity. We slowly backed away and when the Lycan didn’t follow we turned and ran back the way we came.

My thoughts went back to that wolf. It’s smell felt familiar and a small glimmer of safe touched my mind. I shook my head and ran beside Alpha Jason. We slowed down to a trot and listened to the pack in the forest. The yelps and howls not to far away now. I could feel Jason’s eyes on me. My wolf now completely under my control. I shook my fur and smelled the air around me. Dear and wild wolves are close by. I wondered if the two pups I met that day are safe in their den. The time flew by as we wondered the mountain side. The pack now headed back to our home.

We followed at a distance just keeping each other company while enjoying being alone. We slowly made our way back and stopped by the river. We  lay down beside each other and waited. The calm night air surrounding us in a our own little world. I look at Jason and admire the thick black fur. His wolf is truly beautiful. I feel his eyes on me and we connected instantly.

“Tonight is a night I’ll never forget.” He says in a low voice.

“I will not forget it either. Your black fur is mesmerizing.” I softly confess.

The sky is starting to lighten to a soft blue and we slowly make our way back to the blanket to retrieve our clothes. I pick up my dress with my teeth and dip back into the trees. I feel my body start to melt and I embrace the shift. Once I’m dressed I make my way back to the caves. Everyone is dressing or making their way back to their rooms to rest.

Jason stood waiting for me with the blanket folded in his arms. Gina and Kevin already inside the cave. He holds out his hand and I take it. Our fingers twine together and we share small smiles as we walk to our room.

Just outside the caves a wolf sits watching closely. Its sharp eyes watching one couple make their way to the first thatch room inside one of the smaller caves. The wolf’s blood boils. The hair on his neck standing on end. His thoughts on one thing. The Alpha of this pack doesn’t deserve to have the woman he holds. She is not meant to be just some werewolf Luna. He let out a low growl and quickly trotted away. His mission is to find the witch spy.

She sent word she found the princess and she was not wrong. King Lance will be furious at her location and her unsuitable toy. Tyler wanted to get closer but with the Alpha so close he needed to bide his time and play his cards right. He shifted as the Forest Pack village came into view. His eyes settled on a small cabin and he quietly entered the cabin.

The witch sat by the small stove her hair hanging in waves around her. “Its not yet time. Two weeks and the King will arrive to meet his daughter.”

Tyler nodded and walked over to the bed sitting down to listen to what all the witch had to say.

Marilyn stretched and curled into Jason’s chest his hand stroking her hair softly. He couldn’t shake the bad feeling in his gut that Marilyn is in danger. He tried to sleep and only ended up opening his eyes to watch her. If the Lycans catch wind of her would they attack first or make demands? Would she stay or go? Will she survive taking on Alpha Liam and his pack? The fact that he doubted himself and his pack in the back of his mind made him sick. He couldn’t call himself an Alpha if he had doubts about keeping her safe. He closed his eyes and tried to keep his mind still.

He linked Kevin. “Are you still awake?”

Kevin linked back immediately. “Yeah, I’m having trouble sleeping. It’s hard to explain.”

Jason sighed. “I am having the same issue. It feels like I have a clouded mind and I’m doubting myself.”

Kevin was quiet for a moment. “I am having those same doubts. Could it be a spell or do you think something is changing in the air?”

Jason opened his eyes and looked at the ceiling. “I do know of a witch close by that might could give us some answers.”

Kevin understood what Jason was asking immediately. “I will send the two back when they wake up. I agree we need answers.”

The link cut and Jason closed his eyes once more and slowly fell into a light sleep. His arms holding Marilyn to his chest. Her small body fitting perfectly in his arms.

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