Part 19 ~ What a Beauty

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Aditya's pov

" Mr Kumar , send Mr Choudhary in my office " I hung up the phone and waited patiently

I heard a knock on the door and called out , " Come in , Mr Choudhary " He entered the room and took a seat across from me .

" Mr Choudhary , we've been experiencing some issues with our project timeline . Can you please explain what's going on? "

Mr Choudhary hesitated for a moment before speaking " Y-Yes Sir , We've encountered some unexpected challenges that have caused delays in the project. The initial design was not as feasible as we thought and we've had to make some significant changes to the plan "

I nodded , " I see . And how do you plan to address these challenges and get back on track ? "

Mr Choudhary explained his proposed solutions , which included hiring additional resources and modifying the project scope. I listened carefully and asked a few follow-up questions to clarify his ideas

" Alright Mr Choudhary , Do it , make a good team and start executing the plan , let me know when it gets done . I'll come to check in between " I said and he nodded

After our discussion, I made a decision to approve Mr Choudhary's proposed solutions and provided him with the necessary resources to execute them . As he left my office , I walked towards my Bookshelf

" Sir , Mr Agnihotri has come to meet you " Mr Kumar came and informed me

" Alright , send him in " I said and Mr Kumar nodded his head before walking out

" Yeah Mr Agnihotri " He entered with his team , I smiled , welcoming him

" Mr Aditya , the project is going really well , Actually I've a new proposal for you if you want " He said and I nodded my head with a slight nod

" Actually , I've a client , Mr Arshad . I've been working with him since 1 year and I signed a deal with him a month ago , the problem is that...." he stopped midsentenced

" Mr Arshad Azaad , that Businessman and the sovereign of Azaadganj ? " I asked to confirm and he nodded his head making me smirk

" So what about him ? " I asked curiously , waiting for him to continue

" I've signed a deal with him a month ago , but I got to know about something which made me back off with my deal with him " he said with a doubtful voice

" I got to know that he's been involved in many illegal businesses like drug dealing and exporting young girls , so I've talked to him about it and he didn't deny it so i broke the deal with him , I've decided to seal the deal with you . I hope you'll not disappoint me " He finished his sentence and my smirk grew more and more

" If that's what you think then it'll be my pleasure , Mr Agnihotri " I said making him smile wider

" Okay then . Thanks Mr Aditya " he said and I nodded a little

" No problem , Mr Agnihotri , thanks to you too " I said and he stood up from the chair

" Well I'm going to france next week , so we'll start working on it after I come back " I said as I handed the documents to my secretary

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