Part 30 ~ The Marriage : Saat Phere (II)

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" They're safe ?" I repeated , my voice barely above a whisper , tears streaming down my eyes , as he uttered those words , I found my blood boiling , I held him from his collar as the limit had already reached , i couldn't take it anymore 

" Mr Rathore , how could you say that , why are you forcing me , i have nothing to do with you or your family , just fucking leave me alone " I shouted on his face 

( my words seemed bitter and  sharp, cutting through the tension like a knife. The desperation and frustration in my voice is palpable as I confronted him . My outburst was a culmination of the fear and uncertainty that have been building up inside me )

" Listen- " he said  , trying to calm me down but i didn't care to listen. His voice, calm and composed, cuts through the chaos like a beacon of reason. He's trying to reach me , to calm the storm raging within me but I'm too consumed by my emotions to heed his words. my mind is a whirlwind of fear, anger and frustration, drowning out any attempt at rationality.

" No , I won't , you understand , I would never! " I shouted once more , he just closed his eyes , i bet he was trying to not snap at me but he was the one to be blamed for. my voice rises once again, a defiant declaration fueled by a mixture of anger and frustration . His closed eyes betray the struggle within him, the effort to maintain his composure in the face of my outburst. i lay the blame squarely at his feet, the weight of my accusations hanging heavy in the air between us but what I was supposed to do , I was broke . completely shattered , for the past few days I have started to feel as if he is a good person from inside , but no, i was completely wrong , thank god he showed me his true colors or I  would have been fallen for him by now , I know it's wrong , but unfortunately I've started to fall for him , i was feeling it from past few days but he proved me wrong , he proved that I was not worthy of any affection romantically , he proved that I just got used by him for his own benefit .

The room felt charged with tension as our words hung in the air like a heavy fog. My heart raced, pounding against my chest, a mix of adrenaline and apprehension fueling my emotions. Despite the turmoil swirling within me, a part of me couldn't deny the growing sense of attraction I had been feeling towards him , a dangerous pull that threatened to drag me deeper into this chaotic dance we were engaged in .But now , standing here in the midst of this confrontation, I realized that beneath his facade of charm and kindness lay something darker , something I had been blind to until now. The realization hit me like a punch to the gut , leaving me reeling with disbelief and betrayal. Yet, even as I hurled accusations at him, a small voice in the back of my mind whispered doubts, reminding me of the moments we had shared, the fleeting glances and thumping of my heartbeat that had ignited a spark within me. How could someone capable of such warmth also harbor such cruelty? As the silence stretched between us, I felt the weight of my words pressing down on me, a heavy burden I wasn't sure I was strong enough to bear. But deep down, I knew that I couldn't ignore the truth any longer, no matter how much it pained me. and so, with one final glance filled with defiance and determination .

" Mr Rathore , you know this is betrayal , how can you do this to me , I was trying to befriend you despite our not so good relationship but now you've proven me wrong , you are a selfish and arrogant man , you don't care about other's feelings , you only care about your goddamn friend but what about me , Am I not Human ? , don't I have feelings ? ,  I thought that you are not that bad but guess what you've proven me wrong " I asked in rage and anger , but my tears also betrayed me , they fell . 

" You know you don't have a choice , Dr Suhani " he stated , looking me in the eye , I felt my tears falling , I just smiled in disbelief , looked at him before continuing 

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