Part 22 ~ New Guests

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Suhani's pov

As I stood up , my eyes met his and I couldn't help but feel a flutter in my chest . His gaze was intense , and I could see a depth of emotion in his eyes that I had never seen before . It was as if he was trying to communicate something to me , without saying anything , As if there was no need of words , only our eyes were enough to communicate with each other

I couldn't quite decipher it , this strange feeling I'm feeling since past few days .
His touch was gentle yet firm , and I couldn't help but wonder if there was more to his persona , sometimes he's rude , sometimes he's arrogant , and sometimes He's kind and gentle . and this makes me wonder why he is like that

I found myself questioning his motives , wondering if there was something more . I couldn't shake off the feeling that there was more to him than met the eye . I tried to push these thoughts aside, reminding myself that it was too soon to jump to conclusions . It's his personal life and I am no one to interfere

As we started walking to the backyard , I couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort in his presence . We kept on making eye contacts and it somewhat made me feel things .

" Thank you , Mr Rathore " I said , my eyes meeting his . He looked confused but still asked

" For the ointment ?...No need , It was my mistake " he replied as we both stopped walking . Facing each other , not so far away from the bonfire

" Oh..No...Not for the ointment....Sister Avika called me in the morning and she told me that you've donated Money for our you so much , I really appreciate it " as I finished my sentence , he looked at me for a while before continuing

" No need , I talked to Dr Sharma and he told me about your charitable hospital , I wanted to help so he introduced me to Ms Avika and she informed me about the hospital's need for funds , and I wanted to do my part in supporting your noble cause . Your hospital is doing commendable work in the community and I believe that every little contribution can make a significant difference . Please convey my gratitude to the hospital staff and patients for their dedication and service , and beside our not so good relationship with each other , I'm still a Human and I appreciate the people who wants to contribute , to help people . And about the contract that we both have signed , the funds for your another hospital will soon be transferred in your account , you just need to stick to the contract , that's it " he said in a calm voice , making me smile at him without me knowing , even though he helped me with the money , I still don't get why does he want me to stay here !!

" Even though we're intolerable to each other , I still appreciate your thinking , thanks for the contribution , Mr Rathore , for those people it means a lot and don't worry about the contract " my voice was barely audible but he understood what I was saying , And then suddenly He Smiled.....his eyes twinkling and I couldn't help but admire the beautiful features of his face , his smile is beyond Perfect

( Suhani...what are you thinking , We don't like each other....we keep on fighting like enemies...he is the one who taunts you everytime...and you're still admiring him , what the hell is even wrong with you ? My thoughts were conflicted. Why the hell I can't help but feel drawn to him , Why the hell I find myself thinking about him more often than not ? Do I.....No , no , no , never , it's never gonna happen , it's just that I keep on thinking about this thing that's why it's happening to me , I think I should ignore him . I can't let myself get too close to him )

" For the first time thanked me from your heart , Dr Suhani , that's quite unusual " his teasing voice was enough to made me feel irritated

" Uhh...Don't think too much , Mr Rathore , It's just that I know how to be thankful " I replied and he smirked....he freaking Smirked !!

When I was about to pass by him , my bracelet got stuck in the fabric of his black kurta , I panicked and tried to pull my bracelet free , but it was firmly entangled . He looked up at me and mischievously smiled . I got irritated and tried to untangle it , when I miserably failed after trying so much , He looked at me and gestured me to come closer , I hesitated for a moment before approaching him

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