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He opened his mouth with a slight frown, as if to ask if something was wrong, before he closed it again. Good. The King should learn quickly not to try to be friendly towards me. I would do my job well and that was to be the extent of our relationship.

"You will love it there. The gardens are well-maintained and we have parties often," Wiley grinned, winking slyly at Toddy who flushed thoroughly. He was no shifter, but they would get on just fine, I knew.

Taking a deep breath, I used the arrival of the waiter to pick up my fork and pick at what remained on my plate. Ma rubbed my back which did not ease the prickling sensation of Kinnut's odd gaze nor the whip of the Headmistress'.

He had to sense that I loathed him completely. I was blowing it.

"We will return tonight," he declared, making the next bite go down hard and I nearly choked.

That was quick. No time to say goodbye or do little more than pack, but when we were headed to a hidden palace, newcomers could not be given an opportunity to plan out an attack. I supposed there was no one else to bid farewell to other than the two family members seated at the table since I was traveling with Toddy and Rafi...Well, Rafi was gone.

"Wiley, will you find the last two graduates for hire? We need another Maganer of a high caliber, Fire if available, and an Animal Healer."

"I know just the ones to ask. I can send for them at once so they have time to gather their possessions. Both are upstanding students," she beamed, delving into details of their particular strengths.

I finished what I could, knowing that I might no longer be treated to the breadth of the Academy's spread and that I may not have an appetite in the prolonged presence of His Majesty.

"Do you think I can go back and begin packing?" I asked Ma with downturned eyes.

It was afternoon and I was growing too warm sitting beneath the beating sun.

"Of course. Toddy, Clia, you do not need to sit around here and listen to us chat. I am sure you are both worn from Testing. Please, gather your things and Wiley and I will meet you outside the Academy in two hours."

We both managed to rise and give brief curtsies before making our way out of the park.

"Are you going to be okay?" Toddy asked me as we climbed the stairs of the girl's dormitory. "This is a really big deal. We could not have asked for any better jobs. You know that right?"

"Is it the best job in the world if you are working for your enemy? He killed Rafi," I said, my words choking.

"We don't know that. Rafi went through a portal. We can just ask Wiley before we jump to conclusions. I know what you saw back then was horrific, but that doesn't mean every Soul Wright is k-"

"Of course they are," I scoffed. "It is the law. The Headmistress said so. Kinnut probably just took Rafi away so we would not all witness how terrible he really is."

We hushed as three other girls walked by, our words treasonous. Toddy's room was three suites down and it was not like we could yell out our conversation.

"I didn't even get to say goodbye. He never got to find his mate. It is all so...unfair. Too soon," I lamented.

Toddy's eyes watered. "He was my friend, too. Let's at least try to keep our hopes up. Rafi would not have wanted us to throw the rest of our lives away scrubbing toilets just because he is gone. We have to take these positions. Think of the pay, the opportunities. They may have someone who can help you unlock your powers fully so you can re-Test."

I sighed, throat closing up like a bear trap. She was right. It was a horrible situation, but she was right. Rose would corner me into taking it one way or another.

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