Day Off

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The day of the ball was upon us and all the staff were up early and bustling before dawn making sure the castle was as clean and welcoming as possible, checking that bouquets were placed and blooming their best, vibrant and cheerful, and that the guest rooms were prepared with clean linens and toiletries.

When I took Kinnut his breakfast, he was standing on the balcony with the doors open, staring off into the mountains. Even though he was no hero of mine I pitied that he felt that he had to make such a decision. I did not want to feel empathy for him, but I had never seen his shoulders curled forward as mine often did when I was upset. I did not think that I would do well if I had to meet hundreds of men in one day and pick one of them to be the father of a child that was not with my true mate. At the same time, I had to wonder if the Bells had not yet given him one for a reason.

If I could locate the orb and deliver it to my grandmother, Kinnut might be relieved of this burden and his duties permanently. Only, now that I had seen how much the others within the house loved him, I would do my best to make sure he was not destroyed in the process.

"It is a... big day," I said, placing his tray on his nightstand and habitually making his bed.

The king did not respond, instead gazing out at the mountain tops forlornly. I opened his closet and laid out three of his more ceremonial outfits. Nothing was even close to what I imagined coronation garb would look like.

"Have you given any thought to what you would like to wear?"

I heard him sigh and he turned to frown down at the embroidered tunics and vests that I had picked out. Did he have others that he preferred?

"Are you going?" His innocent and often beguiling face appeared both stressed and concerned.

Balking, I fussed with one of the shirt sleeves, smoothing out the wrinkles. "I was told that if we did not wish to attend, we would have the day off. Does my position require my attendance?"

"Of course not, I merely thought that it might be enjoyable. Don't women love balls and getting dressed up?"

I rolled my eyes. "My friend Toddy does and I would assume that most women do. We were going to explore the gardens." I omitted that we were going beyond that and venturing anywhere else we could find as well.

"I am afraid that I may not be a good judge when it comes to choosing something like this. I had hoped you would be there to consult with."

My stomach fluttered at the level of weight he gave my opinion. "But you would be the best at reading someone," I exclaimed. "After all, you can sense their feelings, right? You approached me about mine."

He huffed again, hands pushing into his silvery hair. "When I did attend court long ago, all of the emotions... were the same. I could sense they wanted wealth or power. They wanted favor, popularity, or an inside ear. It was..." Kinnut shook his head, disappointed.

I couldn't help the small snort that left me, feeling his quick gaze turn to my heating cheeks. "Well, meeting royalty is a little shocking. And those born to nobles and other upper class families know little else I would imagine."

"Why did you laugh?" He seemed indignant, thinking I was making fun of him.

"Because," I smiled. "You act like it should be so easy to find somebody you are compatible with... But you have to actually talk to somebody to get to know them and understand them. You can't just sense their temporary emotion and make a judgment." It was hilarious that I had to give dating advice to a king far older than me. It just showed that he really had been waiting for his fated mate this whole time and sympathy plucked a chord in my chest.

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