Audience with Oberon

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Two sets of royal eyes scanned our little party and Kiara's almost lit up with joy when she saw me standing among the three men.

"May I introduce Wiley, my esteemed Portaler whom you have met before, Rafael, a new Team member and Earth Wright, and Clia, my assistant."

"Interesting," Oberon said, his gaze lingering on me for a few seconds longer than I would have liked. The strangely purple eyes then moved to Kinnut, who inclined his head to whatever unspoken conversation they had.

"Rafael was hoping to get the chance to observe your throne as it is a legendary work of Earth Wright magic."

"Yes," he grinned proudly. "And my beautiful daughter has insisted that it bloom now."

"A nice touch, I think," Kinnut answered. "Would we have the chance to meet her? Her own prowess precedes her."

"Sidhil!" The Queen's sudden shout caused me to jump, sweat breaking out at my temples for fear the guards would fall upon us. "I know yer lurking somewhere aroun' here," Kiara added at a normal volume to the large room. "Would you be a dear an' fetch me daughter, Evalana?"

I swore I heard a disembodied sigh, before Oberon was standing and moving to assist the Queen to her feet. He waved at the throne and Rafi excitedly trotted over to look at it. He had always been fascinated by the engineering of different types of Wrights and this was no different. Except, where he was getting his fill, I was too shy to ask to view the flowers.

"What are the specifics of your visit?" Oberon asked. "You said you had a fae artifact? I am not quite sure I could believe such a thing. We treasure our pieces and would not discard something of value. Unless it was...stolen?"

"It is indeed an artifact belonging to this court," Kinnut replied. "Though it took me quite some time to identify it, these seeds were found deep below ground in the caverns of Yorr'un. They would grow a flower that is highly valuable."

Oberon's eyes were guarded as though he was not certain what Kinnut was talking about. "Yorr'un split from the courts long ago. When a delegation was sent to inquire about them, they had vacated the caverns. They were searched, but all that was found were carvings and refuse."

"A partial cave in before their departure hid this, I believe. The Irvinis flower may solve some of your concerns."

Violet flared to a glowing neon in recognition and desire. I never knew royals to show any emotion that they did not mean to, but Oberon was clearly shocked. Kiara tipped her head in confusion, though nobody jumped to explain it for her and it was not my place to speak. I would not mention that I was also afraid of being tricked into a bargain if a single word came out of my mouth.

Her glare could have melted the side of her husband's head and he finally sighed. The petals may be brewed and would allow non-mated fae to conceive. It is the answer to our population problem."

"I understand that, in the wrong hands, this flower could be used nefariously. However it belongs here. The case that the seeds are in is cursed, for full disclosure. Any male that touches it will be rendered sterile and impotent permanently. Therefore, it should fall to the Queen to determine whether it should be used or not. At this time, the case is only safe for women to touch."

Kiara grinned viciously. "There'll be no word play with this, yeh hear meh?" She snapped at him. "And we won' be forcin' people t' bargain their lives away for the chance to have a babe."

Oberon cleared his throat as if he could not bear to suffer the indignation of the tiny woman chewing his ear off in front of guests. "Yes, of course, we will discuss this for each case for each case as is appropriate."

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