• Yule Ball

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Yule Ball Series!!!
Part 1: Asking you to the dance

"Y/N." Draco mutters from behind me. "What?" I turn around to face him, still being cautious so I don't get yelled at by Snape.

"Meet me at the astronomy tower after class." He says then leans back in his seat. He doesn't even give me a chance to reply.

Draco is a...friend? I'm not sure if he would consider me a friend. We are in the same friend group but we don't get along too well. I wouldn't say enemies, we just disagree on most topics.

Class has now ended and Draco storms out of the room right away, probably to the astronomy tower. I guess I have to go meet him.

I make my way there and when I reach the top I see Draco looking into the distance. "Draco." He turns to face me.

"Why did you want to meet me here?" I question. He just walks closer towards me and before I know it his lips are on mine.

It takes me a second to register but when my mind finally does my lips move in sync with his.

After a minute of making out he pulls away. "Go to the Yule Ball with me." He says almost like a demand.

"Are you asking or telling?" I smirk. He smirks back. "I'll let you think I'm asking."

"Of course I'll go with you Draco."

It's a week before the Yule Ball and I still don't have a date. It's not a huge deal but all of my friends have dates so I can't even 'go with friends'.

I'm just sitting in the library studying when Cedric comes up to be. "Hey Y/N, how are you?"

I smile. He's a sweetheart. "I'm doing ok, just studying for an upcoming test. How are you?"

"Good, good. Hey do you have a date for Yule Ball?" Great. Now I have to tell one of the cutest guys in school I don't have a date, how embarrassing.

"No." I turn back to my books so he doesn't see the blush creep onto my cheeks. "Do you want to go with me?"


I turn my head to him so fast I'm surprised I didn't get whiplash. "What? You want to go to the dance with me?"

He chuckles. "Yes, I want to go to the dance with you Y/N." O-M-G! "I would love to Cedric." I smile up at him.

"Great, well I'll talk to you tomorrow?" He raises a brow at me and grins. "Yes. Bye Cedric have a good sleep."

He smiles and leaves. I can't stop smiling!

"What did Cedric want?" Huh?

I turn my head and see Mattheo Riddle. We have no relationship whatsoever. I have only spoken to him in potions.

"He asked me to the Yule Ball." I state standing up and collecting my things.

"And you said?" He walks closer to me which makes my breath quicken. "I said yes."

I see his jaw clench. "Well tell him tomorrow that you don't want to go with him." What?


"Because you're going with me." He grips my jaw in his hand.

"But you never asked me." Is this man on drugs.

"I'm not asking I'm telling. You are going to the ball with me not him. If you don't tell him you're not going with him, I will."

He let's go of my jaw and storms out of the library leaving me breathless.

He doesn't ask you.

Theo and I are playing a game of chess.  It's one of our favourite pastimes.

"Checkmate."  I smirk.  He looks up and me and chuckles slightly.  "You're getting better."

I smile and focus my attention back on the game.  He taught me this game back in second year and I still have never beaten him, but it's my goal.

"So Y/N, you have a date to the Yule Ball?"  He questions while moving a pawn.

I sigh.  "Sadly I don't.  I thought Adrian was going to ask me but apparently not."

"Want to go with me?"  I freeze.  What does he mean by that?

"As friends?"  I look up at him.

I see his eyes flash with sadness for a moment before they return to normal.  "As friends."

I smile.  "You're the best friend a girl could ask for Theo."  I stand up and hug him.

"Yeah best friend."  He sighs and wraps his arms around me.

"Y/N, if you were a guy how would you ask a girl to the Yule Ball?" He asks.

We are just sitting in the common room talking with each other and he randomly asks this. Maybe he needs advice for the girl he's going to ask.

"Well first I would get flowers for them. Then I would go up to them and just say what I think of them and ask the big question." I smile.

"What you think of them?"

"You know your feelings towards them, like give them compliments and just pour your heart out."

"Alright." He stands up walking towards his dorm before he stops and turns back to me. "What kind of flowers do girls like?"

"Depends on the girl. I would say roses are usually a safe bet." I smile at him.

He nods and walk to his dorm.

~ Two Days Later ~

"Hey Y/N!" I look up from my book and see Enzo coming towards me.

If he came to bother me that's mean. I'm just here peacefully reading in the courtyard.

"Did you come here to bother me Enzo?" I question shutting my book. "Possibly."

Before I can say anything he shoves a beautiful rose bouquet in my face.

"Y/N, you are one of my best friends. You have been for a while and I've realized recently that I want more than that. I think you're one of the most beautiful girls I've seen and I would love if you could accompany me to the Yule Ball."

Aw, he asked me the way I told him too.

I stand up and hug him. "I think you're the most handsome boy I've seen, and I would love to go with you."

Blaise and I have been dating for about three months now and this guy still hasn't asked me to the Yule Ball!

Right now we are sitting in his dorm just watching a movie and I'm think of asking him why he hasn't asked me yet.

"Hey Blaise?"

"What is it love?" I sit up so I can look him in the eyes.

"Why haven't you asked me to the Yule Ball yet?"

I fold my arms and my lips have a little pout. He chuckles at this. "I just assumed we were going together since we are dating."

"Oh." I feel a little dumb right now. "I still would've liked to be asked." I pout even more.

He chuckles again and gets off the bed lowering to one knee. "Woah there, I said I wanted to be asked to a dance not a proposal."

"Y/N L/N, would you do me the greatest honour and go to the Yule Ball with me?" He asks.

A big smile makes it way onto my face. "Yes!" I scream and jump into his arms. He laughs, stands up and sits on the bed.

"Thank you for asking me my handsome boy."

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