• Ferret

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I'm sleeping over at Draco's tonight, or Malfoy Manor.

We already had dinner and it was delicious.  His chef's are the best cooks ever.

Draco is currently in the shower and I am sitting in his comfy bed just waiting for him.  He's already been in there for thirty minutes.  He loves his shower time🙄

He finally comes out of the bathroom.

"Hey darling."  He smirks and comes to lay beside me in bed.

"What should we do now ferret?"

He sits up and stares at me with wide eyes.  "Ferret?  Why did you call me that?"

"No reason."  I turn my head away from him and attempt to suppress my smile.

He sits fully up and is making such a funny face.  "Have you been hanging out with Blaise!?  Has he told you anything that has happened in the past few days?" 

"No."  I smile and turn on my stomach so I'm fully faced away from him.

"He did, didn't he!" 

I turn back around and just start laughing.  "What was it like being a ferret?"

He makes an unimpressed face.  "I was only a ferret for like 2 minutes!  And it was only because that stupid Mad-Eye Moody motherfucker was "protecting" Potter.  Potter is just a little bitch."

I keep giggling.  He's such a whiny baby.  "You haven't answered my question."

He folds his arms and frowns.

"Shut up."

"Aww, come here my little ferret."  I smile and wrap my arms around him.

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