• Best Friend's Brother Pt.3

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Tom and I have been hooking up the whole summer, behind Mattheo's back.

It felt so wrong in the beginning but that feeling went away quickly.

He is just so good with my body and every time we had sex it just felt...right.

Hooking up quickly turning into a relationship I guess you could say.  We haven't made it 'official' or anything.  He has just slowly becoming more caring and loving towards me.

He cuddles, showers, and does stupid little things with me.  I don't even have to force him to cuddle like I did in the beginning.  He does it willing now, I think he secretly enjoys it.

I'm currently in my dorm putting away some of my books and clothes that I've brought to Hogwarts for the year.

I get a knock on my door that makes me stop what I'm doing.  I open the door and I'm greeted with Tom.

"Hey Tommy."  I smile and pull him into my dorm.

"Hey doll."  He hugs me once we are both fully into the dorm.  "You aren't done unpacking yet?"

"No.  I have a certain way I want everything put away."  I smile up at him.  My smile causes him to smile as well.

"You've gotten a little soft haven't you?"

"Only around you doll."

Tom helps me put away all of my stuff and we get done pretty quickly.  Since we get done so quickly we take up the extra time with a little make out session.

I'm straddling his lap while he sits on my bed.

We are interrupted by my door opening.  "Hey  Y/N-"

Tom and I break apart and I turn to look at Mattheo. 

"What the fuck!"  Mattheo screams.

"Mattheo I can explain-"  I speak up.

"Explain what!  That you're hooking up with me brother!"  He screams making me flinch's

"Don't fucking yell at her."  Tom walks over to Mattheo. "You wanna fight with someone you can fight with me."

Mattheo let's out a huff and looks between the two of us. "Tell me what the fuck is going on between the two of you."

"Y/N is my girlfriend."

What? Girlfriend?

My heart is beating so fast and my mind in confused at the same time.

"When did this start?"

"This summer. I didn't intend for all this to happen Matty. We were pulled together naturally." I sigh. "I felt so guilty about it all in the beginning but that feeling faded away quickly because nothing had ever felt so right to me. Believe it or not your brother cares for me and I care about him."

Mattheo looks at Tom then back at me. "Nothing I say or do can break you two apart can it?"

I look up at Tom and smile slightly. "No nothing can break us up."

Mattheo nods his head then looks at Tom. "Don't hurt her."

"I would never give her pain she doesn't want." Tom smirks.

"I don't want to know about your sex life!" Mattheo covers his ears. "I will allow this as long as I don't have to hear about your sex life."

I giggle. "We won't tell you anything Matty."

"Good. I'm going to go now. See you two later." Mattheo leaves my dorm closing the door behind him.

I turn to Tom once the door is closed. "So I'm your girlfriend?" I smile.

"Oh shut up. Don't make me avada you." Tom goes to sit on my bed.

"Hey! You promised Mattheo you wouldn't hurt me." I walk over and stand in front of him with my arms crossed.

"I didn't promise I wouldn't punish you."

Tom grabs my waist, turning us, and pining me to the bed.

"I think I should fuck my pretty girlfriend."

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