Broken Part 3

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Ghost took a step towards you, raising another eyebrow. "Go on."

His words were harsh, laced with disappointment that bordered on anger. His face was void of emotion, but you knew how angry he must've been at that moment.

He wanted to yell, but there was something stopping him. You weren't sure if it was curiosity, concern, or something else. But there was something that made him listen to you and not just blow up and shout at you like he usually did when something went wrong.

You could see how angry and disappointed he was and at this point you wished he'd just let it out on you, despite the fact that he could crush you with his bare hands.

You managed to look into his eyes, seeing nothing but an empty darkness, a void taking your words as you spoke.

„We've grown closer over the time, met every now and then to blow some steam off." your own words felt disgusting as you spilled them out, making you stomach turn. „One night we were just chatting, talked about stupid stuff that happened on previous missions and such stuff. Until... later... he asked me about the upcoming mission, four weeks ago." You stopped again, trying to find the right words to describe the whole situation.

Ghost's expression remained blank, his eyes boring into yours. "Go on."

He stood stock still, listening to your words. His fists gripped his sides tightly, his knuckles turned white.

He was disappointed, disappointed in you, disappointed in himself. But there was something else that mixed into that emotion. His expression, however, revealed nothing. It was like a mask that protected the inner workings of his mind.

You pressed your eyes shut, trying to forget the way he was lying in front of you, bleeding because Huel shot him.

„I told him that I couldn't tell him, because he's not assigned to that mission." Your voice had a little shake to it, though you managed to keep your emotions in check. Ghost hated weakness and you were already spilling enough. „He... Played with me. Touched me. Asked little questions over and over again until I answered some of them."

Your legs were shaking at this point, revealing that you felt like the mole himself, though it was Huel.

Broken // Simon "Ghost" Riley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now